rode to revelution

  • franch and indian war

    franch and indian war
    It was a world wide war between the British and the French. The french built forts to try to keep the british from taking over the land they claimed.
    The leader of the colomies was George Washington.the colonist where happpy because they got cananda from france.
  • Treaty of paris

    Treaty of paris
    The British clamed all the land east of the mississippi river.
    The war was costly so they started texing.
    they where mad bacause they could not settle west of the apilation mountins.
  • proclamation

    british made a law limiting colonists could not go west of the applatian mountins.
    they could not go passed because British wanted to protect the colonists from indian deaths. The colonist where angry because thecould not settel in the land they clamed.
  • suger act

    suger act
    because the franch and indean war was costly they started taxing things.
    the colonist where mad because they sead britan had no right to tax suger and molases.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    This law put a tax on paper like legal documents, letters, and any postsge.
    The british made this law to pay the war debts.
    The colonist were angry so they made a congress to organize a boycott.
  • townshaend act

    townshaend act
    this is a tax on household goods.
    this this to pay off the war debts.
    the colonist wher not happy so they boycotted the importer goods.
  • writs of assisstance

    writs of assisstance
    Customs officers could search the ships at will.
    Britian did this to look for smuggled goods.
    The colonists thlought that they were being invaded.
  • boston massacer

    boston massacer
    The colonist were rioting outside a courthouse and then shots were fired.
    The british responded by accusing 2 soldiers of mansluaghter. the colonists were even more angry due to the fact that the british had killed colonists for no reason.
  • qurtering acts

    qurtering acts
    Colonists had to provide food and housing for British Soldiers.
    The brithsih did this to protect the colonist and to save money housing.
    The colonist got anrgry but little could be done to fix it.
  • Tea Act/ Boston Massacre

    Tea Act/ Boston Massacre
    The Britian lowered their tea prices to control the tea trade.
    This resulted in the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was when the colonists dumped 90,00 lbs of tea into the harbor.
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    The colonist colud not hold town meetings. The Port of Boston closed.
    The british did this for Power and conrol.
    The colonist in response created the first contiental congress and became more unified.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    	1st Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia.Delegates agreed to ban all trade with Britain until Acts were repealed.
  • battle of lexington and concord

    battle of lexington and concord
    Teh battle of lexington was where the first shot of the war was fired. the Batlle od Concord was when the colonists shot at the British soldiers while they retreated.
  • ''Give Me Liberty'' (speech)

    ''Give Me Liberty''  (speech)
    Patrick Hererys famous speech at the Virginia House of Burgeresses. Famolus words are, "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH",
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    The bunker hill was when the colonists were force of the hill. they are not to fire until they see the whites of their eyes.
  • Lexington

    Lexington is where thbattle of lexington and concord tock place. this is the first place of the battle tock place.
  • Concord

    This city is the second location of the battle of lexington. hte war was between british and the colonist.
  • 2nd contonintal congress

    2nd contonintal congress
    May 10,1775, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. Members included John and Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Patrick Henry.They agreed to form the Continental Army and George Washington was chosen as the commanding general.
  • Ft. Ticonderoga 1775

  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    The declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson. It marked the independence of the colonies. they where happy they where FREE.
  • common sense

    common sense
    Thomas Paine published common sense. common sense increased public support for american independence.
  • • Declaration of Independence 1776

    •	Declaration of Independence 1776
    this was to bring independence to the colonist. Now the colonist don't have to do what the king tell thim to.
  • • Battle of Trenton 1776

    •	Battle of Trenton 1776
    it was cold and the british killed most of washingtons army.
  • • Battle of Princeton 1777

    •	Battle of Princeton 1777
  • • Battle of Saratoga 1777

    •	Battle of Saratoga 1777
    Thomas Jefferson was chosen to compose the document.2 weeks later on July 4, 1776, Jefferson had completed most of it, the resolution was presented again and passed and independence was declared.this is is based on the philosophy of John Locke, unalienable rights.
  • • Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778

    •	Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778
    It was cold. is was so cold that they were in desprit need of warm clothing and in need of food. most people died because of this.
  • • Battle of Yorktown 1781

    •	Battle of Yorktown 1781
    The battle of yorktown was that the british touck over new york city for the rest of the war.
  • • Treaty of Paris 1783

    •	Treaty of Paris 1783