• The first car was invented by Karl Benz

    The first car was invented by Karl Benz
    Karl Benz is the first person to make a petrol powered automobile.
  • Ferdinand Porsche invents the hybrid engine

    Ferdinand Porsche invents the hybrid engine
    Ferdinand Porsche invents the first Lohne-Porsche Mixte Hybrid.
  • Ford model t goes into production

    Ford model t goes into production
    Henry Ford produced the model t engine, which has 20 horse power and 4 cylinders.
  • The beetle was produced.

    The beetle was produced.
    Ferdinand Porsche designed this engine to appeal to a wider audience.
  • First car with fuel injection hits the market.

    First car with fuel injection hits the market.
    The Gutbrod Superior and the Goliath GP 700 E coupe hit the market.
  • Prototype for catalytic converters is invented

    Prototype for catalytic converters is invented
    Eugene Houdry invents the oxidation catalytic engine as a solution to smog as it was a problem at the time