Rocket Timeline

  • 200

    Chinese Gunpowder(200 B.C.)

    200 B.C.
    THe CHinese mastered the technic of making and using gunpowder, which will later be used in guns and rockets
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Leonardo da Vinci Helicopter Sketches

    Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches from the late fifteenth century were the predecessor to the modern day flying machine.
  • Isaac Newton Physical Motion Law

    Isaac Newton discovered the law of physical motion and the three scientific laws. These expressed the movement of objects.
  • Indian Troops and Rockets

    Th Indian troops made war rockets when fighting against the Britsh.
  • Rocket Propelled Harpoons

    Sailors hunted whailes using rocket propelled harpoons.
  • Hail Rockets with the British

    The British introduced hail rockets
  • Liquid fuel Rocket

    The first liquid fuel rocket is made.
  • The Wright Brothers

    Wilbur and Orville created the first powered, sustained and controlled airplane flight; they surpassed their own milestone two years later when they built and flew the first fully practical airplane.
  • FIrst Monkey in Space

    V-2 Blossom launched into space from White Sands, New Mexico carrying Albert I, a rhesus monkey
  • Nine Dogs in Space

    Soviet R-1 series rockets carried nine dogs
  • First Mouse in Space

    Back in the U.S., on April 23, 1958 a mouse was launched in a Thor-Able "Reentry 1" test as the first launch in the Mouse in Able (MIA) project.
  • First Chimp in Space

    On January 31, 1961, Ham, whose name was an acronym for H olloman A ero M ed, became the first chimpanzee in space, aboard the Mercury Redstone rocket on a sub-orbital flight very similar to Alan Shepard's.
  • Fixing the ISS

    Sometine in August.
    The Shuttle crew (STS-106/2A.2b) delivers supplies, re-boosts and repairs the International Space Station.
  • Hubble Space Telescope

    March 1: NASA launched Space Shuttle Columbia to begin the STS-109 mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope by adding new instruments and boosting it to a higher orbit.
  • Rockets in Russia

    Oct. 30: Russia introduces the Soyuz TMA spacecraft, launching a taxi crew to the ISS, which included an ESA researcher from Belgium.