Medical Robots

  • Robotic Assisted Biopsy

    Robotic Assisted Biopsy
    This robot is very special and important. This robot is a technique for early cancer diagonoses.
  • Endoscopy-Bot

    The Endoscopy-Bot is a robot where a camera on a long wire is shoved into a humans body in search of damage or diseases.
  • daVinci

    This is a machine that is between a robot and a medical tool. DaVinci is always under full control of the surgeon, "but the advancements it has fostered are astounding." The daVinci system helps operations be done with a few tiny incisions and with the utmost precision. This means that there is less bleeding, faster healing, and a reduced risk of infections.
  • Clinical Training Bots

    Clinical Training Bots
    The game operation bots , with life-sized and realistic blood action. But instead of losing, you just fail out of med school.
  • Orthoses

    This robot is used to help people that are paralyzed, walk again. They can also be used for correcting malformations or for rehabilitation after a brain or spinal cord injury.
  • Disinfectant bots

    Disinfectant bots
    This robot is used for hospitals because they are so dirty and humans may not clean it as well, so this robot does it! It helps patients to stay well instead of coming home from the hospital, and getting a entire new sickness.
  • A1 diagnostics

    A1 diagnostics
    This robot performs task in which robots can do the most for medicine. Using a technique known as "machine learning", scientists can train A1 to perform a task better than a human could possibly perform it.
  • Robotic Nurses

    Robotic Nurses
    Robotic nurses are basically just your normal nurse, but they are always so busy so they can fill out digital paperwork, take measurements of vital signs, and monitor a patient’s condition.
  • Companion Bots

    Companion Bots
    Companion Bots are basically an all-around and all the time doctor for those people that are enderley, infirm or mentally disabled.
  • Pharma-Botics

    This robot is like a vending machine but for drugs. Its like a little pharmacy!