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Robert S. Summers

  • Nace

  • Se gradúa del instituto

  • Acaba la carrera

  • Period: to

    Beca Fullbright, Reino Unido

  • Period: to

    Estudia derecho en Harvard

  • Period: to

    Profesor en la University of Oregon Law School

  • Period: to

    Visiting Research Fellow in Legal Philosophy at The Queen’s College in Oxford, England

  • Law: Its Nature, Functions, and Limits

    Law: Its Nature, Functions, and Limits
    with Charles G. Howard
  • Essays in Legal Philosophy (ed.)

    Essays in Legal Philosophy (ed.)
  • Commercial Transactions

    with Richard E. Speidel and James J. White
  • Period: to

    Cornell University Law School

  • More Essays in Legal Philosophy (ed.)

    More Essays in Legal Philosophy (ed.)
  • Uniform Commercial Code with James J. White

    Uniform Commercial Code with James J. White
  • The American Legal System

    with A.B. Campbell and G. Hubbard,
  • Justice and Order Through Law

    with A.B. Campbell and G. Hubbard
  • Period: to

    Año sabático en Oxford

    Volvió después a Inglaterra (y al resto de Europa) muchísimas veces. Tanto, que se compró un piso en Oxford.
  • Collective Bargaining and Public Benefit Conferral--A Jurisprudential Critique

    Collective Bargaining and Public Benefit Conferral--A Jurisprudential Critique
    Monografía cortita
  • Two types of substantive reasons: the core of a common law justification

  • Working conceptions of the law (artículo)

  • Instrumentalism and American Legal Theory

    Instrumentalism and American Legal Theory
    Traducido a alemán y holandés como "instrumentalismo pragmático". For Dorothy.
  • Nace el Bielefelder Kreis

    Co-fundado por Summers. A estas alturas, había visitado tantas veces Europa que ya sabía algo de alemán.
    El grupo se funda como "Comparative Statutory Interpretation Project" en la IVR de Helsinki (hosted by Aarnio). Los miembros fundadores que allí se reunieron estaban especialmente interesados en "the theory of statutory interpretation as a branch of practical reasoning".
  • Lon L. Fuller

    Lon L. Fuller
  • Sociological Jurisprudence and Realist Theories of Law,

    Sociological Jurisprudence and Realist Theories of Law,
    with E. Kamenka and W. Krawietz, prefacio de Peczenik
  • Contract and Related Obligation: Theory, Doctrine and Practice

    Contract and Related Obligation: Theory, Doctrine and Practice
    con Robert Hillman
  • Form and Substance in Anglo-American Law

    Form and Substance in Anglo-American Law
    with Patrick S. Atiyah,
  • Honoris Causa U. Helsinki

  • Interpreting Statutes -- A Comparative Study

    Interpreting Statutes -- A Comparative Study
    (contributor to four chapters, and Chair of project involving scholars from nine countries)
    Con MacCormick
  • Essays on the Nature of Law and Legal Reasoning

    Essays on the Nature of Law and Legal Reasoning
    Recopilación de ensayos
  • American Legal Theory

    American Legal Theory
    Es literalmente una recopilación de lecturas, como si de un casebook se tratase, con introducción suya a cada texto. Incluye: Oliver Wendell Homes Jr. John Dewey. Roscoe Pound. Joseph W. Binham. Herman Oliphant. K.N. Lewellyn. Felix S. Cohen. Roscoe Pound. Thomas Red Powell. Underhill Moore and Theodore S. Hope Jr. K.N. Llewellyn. Walter Wheeler Cook. L.L. Fuller. John Dickenson. Hermann Kantorwicz. Más en
  • Código Civil ruso

    Ayudó a redactar
  • Honoris Causa U. Gottingen

    La universidad de Rudolf von Ihering
  • Prescriptive Formality and Normative Rationality in Modern Legal Systems

    Prescriptive Formality and Normative Rationality in Modern Legal Systems
    Festschrift for Robert S. Summers. Es la colección de ensayos que le hacen como homenaje cuando le dan el Honoris Causa en Alemania. Lo editan MacCormick y von Wright.
  • 3 conferencias en la U. Baleares

    "The Formal Attributes of Legal Rules,"
    "The Formality of Interpretive Method,"
    "The Formal Character of Law - A General Theory,"
  • Interpreting Precedent -- A Comparative Study

    Interpreting Precedent -- A Comparative Study
    (contributor to four chapters, and Chair of project involving scholars from ten countries)
    Con MacCormick
  • Código Civil egipcio

  • The Law, Politics and the Constitution

    The Law, Politics and the Constitution
    El libro es un homenaje editado por David Butler and Vernon Bogdanor. Él contribuyó con un capítulo.
  • The Jurisprudence of Law's Form and Substance

    Recopilación de ensayos
  • Essays in Legal Theory

    Essays in Legal Theory
    Recopilación de ensayos. For Dorothy.
  • The Rational as Reasonable

    The Rational as Reasonable
    El libro es de W. Krawietz, O. Weinberger, and G.H. von Wright. Él contribuye con un capítulo
  • On Giving Due Credit to Legal Form

    Seminario en la UA. Seguro que era jueves.
  • Código de Contratos de Ruanda

  • Form and Function in a Legal System — A General Study

    Form and Function in a Legal System — A General Study
    For Dorothy.
  • Law For Society – Nature, Functions and Limits

    Law For Society – Nature, Functions and Limits
    with Kevin Clermont, Robert A. Hillman, and Sheri Lynn Johnson
  • Se jubila de Cornell

  • Muere