robert Miky wilson

By Ablake3
  • I am hort

    My name is Robert Miky wilson I born in thailand in Bangkok hostbil. 1 week latar I was at a butha I was siting on a chear and I fell ovr(it hort)
  • my arm!!!!!!!

    in 7 February I was playing on the swing and my hand was stuck and my got plod out of its sock-it and I had a dislocated and I never got it fix so I have a dislocated arm for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dare

    at Nathin we was playing truth or dare Nathin dare me to run to a tree and to jump an hit my head but I mist and hit my coral bone
  • noty

    on 25/12/2008 when my and
  • big scar

    I was playing with my bruther on the triscil I hit the on a metil and I split my head and it was bliding evry way