Robert Louis Stevenson

  • day 1

    robert was born
  • studying law

    robert starts to study law
  • first published book

    robert publishes his first book under the name L.S. Stoneven
  • publish

    robert publishes "On falling in love" in the cornhill
  • The Story of a Lie

    rober publishes The Story of a Lie in the new quarterly review
  • bad health

    robert is advised to winter in Davos, Switzerland for his health
  • treasure island

    writes The Sea Cook (later to become Treasure Island [1883])
  • bad health again

    Arrives Davos where he winters again for his health. He stays until April 1882
  • "Kidnapped"

    publishes "Kidnapped" in book form
  • Jekyll and Hyde

    robert publishes "The Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde"
  • The Misadventures of John Nicholson”

    Publication of “The Misadventures of John Nicholson”
  • The Wrong Box

    publication of "the wrong box" with lloyd
  • The Master of Ballantrea

    publication of the master of ballantrea
  • "Island Nights' Entertainments"

    Publication of Island Nights’ Entertainments
  • death

    robert dies of cerebral hemorrhage