Goddard robert

Robert Goddard

  • born in Worcester

    born in Worcester
    He was born in a city located in the county of Worcester in the American state of Massachusetts.
  • graduated from Clark University

    graduated from Clark University
    He graduated from Clark University in Worcester.
    Clark was founded in 1887 as the first graduate school in the country.
  • invented a method of reaching extreme heights

    invented a method of reaching extreme heights
    Robert Goddard theorized about the need to develop the propulsion to travel beyond the atmosphere and he advanced the idea of making, with the same method, an Earth-Moon trip.
  • Robert Goddard's first rocket powered by liquid fuel

    Robert Goddard's first rocket powered by liquid fuel
    Robert Hutchings Goddard was responsible for the first flight of a rocket powered by liquid fuel (gasoline and oxygen), launched in Auburn, Massachusetts, United States.
  • began misile testing

    began misile testing
    In the following years, he began misile testing, first with soild fuel and then with liquid fuel.
    He intuitedthat this was the development for future space fllights.
  • One of its rockets reaching almost supersonic speeds

    One of its rockets reaching almost supersonic speeds
    One of its rockets exceeded 2,000 m in height, reaching almost supersonic speeds (880 km / h).
    They were a reproduction in reduced from modern launchers.
  • was able to collect in the Liquid Propellant Rocket Development treatise

    was able to collect in the Liquid Propellant Rocket Development treatise
    Goddard was able to include the main results of his activity in the Liquid Propellant Rocket Development treatise.
  • died in 1945 with 63 years

    died in 1945 with 63 years
    only after his death was he recognized with glory and honor.
    In 1960 his wife received a million dollars for the use of Robert's research and creation.