Robert edward lee

Robert E. Lee

  • Lee was born

    Lee was born
    His parents are Anne Hill Carter and Henry Lee ll. He had one Brother.
  • Lee Starts U.S military Academy at West Point.

    Lee Starts U.S military Academy at West Point.
  • Lee graduates from west point

    Lee graduates from west point
  • Lee helps general Winfield Scott during the Mexican American War

    Lee helps general Winfield Scott during the Mexican American War
    Lee used his enineering skills to help General Winfiel Scott. He creates routes for attacks and soon Scott starts o rely on Lee's math skills and battle strategys.
  • Confederates Ignite Civil War

    Confederates Ignite Civil War
    Confederates attack Fort Sumter in South Carolin to start the civil war
  • Virginia secedes from the Union

    Virginia secedes from the Union
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Robert E. Lee decided to atack the north instead of letting them come into southern territory. It
  • Surrender at Appomattox courthouse

    Surrender at Appomattox courthouse
    Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ullysses S. Grant at Appomattox courthouse to end the war.
  • Lee becomes Presindent of Washington College

    Lee becomes Presindent of Washington College
  • Lee died

    Lee died
    Robert E. Lee was born with his shoes off.