Robert edward lee

Robert E. Lee

  • Robert Edward Lee is Born

    Robert Edward Lee is Born
    Robert Edward lee was born at Stratford Hall Plantation in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He was the son of Major General Henry Lee III, whom was the Governor of Virginia at the time, and his second wife Anne Hill Carter.
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    Father is Jailed

    Deptors Prison In 1809, Robert's father, Harry Lee, was put into Debtors Prison, due to his unability to pay debt.
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    Moves to a New Town

    Alexandria, Virginia
    Following his fathers release from jail, Roberts parents and their five children decied to move to Alexandria, Virginia, due to family close by and the top notch schools.
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    Another Move

    Home sweet home
    Robert's family and their newborn sixth child moved again, to a diffrent street, Oronoco, close to their relatives.
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    Father injured, and sent away

    West Indes
    Robert's father was badly injured in a political riot in baltimore. The secrtary of state decided to send the father to the West Indes, where he would never see his son again.
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    Father Dies

    Fathers Death
    After six years of not seeing his father, Robert finds out his father died in the West Indes.
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    Urging for West Point

    West Point
    Robert's relative William Fitzhugh wrote a letter to the Secreatary of War, urging that Robert should be given an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. He even had Robert Deliver it!
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    Gets his West Point Appointment

    West Point Interview Robert recieved an appointment at West Point, due to ther letter written earlier. he succeeded in his interview, and was passed to enroll.
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    Begins his studies at West Point

    West Point Academy Robert had to wait a year to begin studying at West Point due to over enrollment, but now he begins his school.
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    Graduates West Point

    Charles Mason bio After his four year study, Lee graduated second in his class, only behind Charles Mason.
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    Brevet Lee was commisioned a brevet second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers.
  • Mother Dies in Ravensworth, Virginia

    Mother Dies in Ravensworth, Virginia
    Robert came home to Virginia, unfortunatley to find his mother on her deathbed.
  • Lee Transfered to Georgia

    Lee Transfered to Georgia
    General Charles Gratiot ordered Lee to Cockspur Island, Georgia, in plans to build a fort on the island which would command the outlet on the Savannah River.
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    Lee's marriage request is accepted

    She Said Yes! Lee had before asked Mary Custis to marry him, but she denied due to her fathers belief that Robert wasn't a suitable man for his daughter. Yet in September 1830, Mary accepted the marriage request, with her fathers permission, while Robert was on a summer leave.
  • Married at Last

    Married at Last
    Robert Edward Lee and Mary Anna Randolph Custis became married at the Custis home at the Arlington House in the southern portion of Arlington County, Virginia.
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    First Child

    What He Did Robert and his wife had their first child, George Washington Custis Lee. He served as a major General in the Confederate Army. He also graduated first in his class at West Point military Academy.
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    Sneaky Robert

    Andrew Talcotts Bio including Wife Robert and his wife loved each other deeply, yet were very diffrent people and had to adjust to thier new lives. In 1832, Robert emerged a close relationship with Harriet Talcott, wife of his fellow officer Andrew Talcott.
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    Transferred to Assistant to the General

    General Gratiot Lee was transferred to Washington as General Gratiot's Assistant.
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    Served as an Assistant in the Chief Engineers Office

    Present Day In this time span, Lee served as an Assistant in the Cheif Engineers Office in Washington D.C.
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    Second Child

    Life of Mary He has his second child, Mary Custis Lee, his first daughter.
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    Moved to assist Andrew Talcott

    Michigan Southern Border Lee was assigned to assist Andrew Talcott in surveying the Southern border of Michigan.
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    Helps with the State line of Michigan and Ohio

    Michigan and Ohio In the summer of 1835, Lee helped lay out the state line between Ohio and Michigan.
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    Promoted to First Lieutenant

    The Job of First Lieutenant Lee is promoted to First Lieutenant.
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    Supervising River Work

    Mississippi River Facts Once promoted to first lieutenant, he supervised the engineering work of the upper portions of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and for the St. Louis Harbor.
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    Captain Lee

    Captain of the U.S. Army Somewhere in between this time span, Robert was promoted to Captain of the U.S. Army. A captain is ranked above a First Lieutenant, yet below major. A person in this position usually commands a comnpany sized unit.
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    Third Child

    Rooney William Henry Fitzhugh Lee is born. He, like his older brother, served as a major General in the Confederate Army.
  • Fourth Child

    Fourth Child
    Their fourth child, Anne Carter lee is born. Unforunatley, she only lived to be 23, and died of typhoid fever.
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    Fifth Child

    Wig as They Called Her Eleanor Agnes Lee is born. She only lived to be 32, and died of tuberculosis.
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    Fort Hamilton's Post Engineer

    Fort Hamilton In this year, Captain Robert E. Lee was assigned and rewarded as Fort Hamilton's post engineer.
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    Sixth Child

    Jr. Robert E. Lee named his sixth son after himself, Robert Edward Lee Jr. He served as a captain of the Confederate Army. Like Father like son!
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    The Seventh and Last Child

    Last Baby Mildred Childe Lee is born as the last child of the Lee family.
  • Mexican-American War Begins

    Mexican-American War Begins
    The Mexican-American War begins with a mexican attack on american troops on the southern border of Texas.
  • Brevet Major during the Mexican-American War

    Brevet Major during the Mexican-American War
    On this day, Lee was promoted to Brevet Major after the battle of Cerro Gordo. In this Battle, Lee helped by finding a trail surrounding the Mexican position. The General moved his army along this trail, causing the Mexicans to flank and retreat.
  • Mexican-American War Ends

    Mexican-American War Ends
    With the help of Robert E. lee's leadership, The Americans had won the war.
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    Superintendent of West Point

    List of the Superintendents In 1852, Lee was named as the Superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point, where Lee attended College.
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    Confirmed into the Church

    Church Raised up practicing christian, he wasn't confirmed into the Episcopal Church until he was 46.
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    Transfered to the Cavalry

    Meaning of Cavalry Robert was moved to the Cavalry. This was for soldiers who fought on horseback. He was later promoted to First Lieutenant of the Cavalry, under Abraham Lincoln's advice.
  • Colonel of the Union Army

    Colonel of the Union Army
    Winfield Scott, the General of the Union Army, wanted Lee as a top command of the army. Lee agreed to be a Colonel of the Union Army, but was not in position for long, due to his loyalty to Virginia.
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    Lee Chooses to Stay Loyal to his Home State

    Virginia Virginia declared its succession from the Union. Abraham Lincoln offered Lee command of the Union Army, yet he turned it down. He praised for Virginia to stay loyal to the union, but when they seceeded he followed Virginia and left the union.
  • Switches to Command Virginia during the Civil War

    Switches to Command Virginia during the Civil War
    Lee resigned from his position in the Union Army on April 20, and 3 days later took command of the Virginia State Forces. Lee showed his true passion he had for Virginia.
  • Lee's First Battle in the Civil war

    Lee's First Battle in the Civil war
    lee was defeated at the Battle of Cheat Mountain. He was given false information from prisoners, and his plan to surround the opposing army didn't follow through. He recieved tough criticism after this battle.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    This battle was a one sided affair. The union attempted to capture the Capitol of Virginia- Richmond. Yet, the Confederates blocked off he union in time, and had less than half the casualities the Union had.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Lee may have played his best startegic move yet. He understood his outnumbered army didn't stand much of a chance. He decided to divide up his army to bring a bigger presence. This put the pressue on the other army's commander, and resulted in a Confederate Victory.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The battle of Gettysburg had the largest number of American casualties in the Civil War. Although both sides resulted in nearly the same amount of deaths, Lee was forced to retreat back to Virginia.
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    Reconstruction Time Period

    Reconstruction After the war, Robert supported president Jackson's plan of reconstruction. The was an era of rebuilding the U.S together as one nation.
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    The Thirteenth Amendment

    Abolishing Slavery Robert E. Lee wasn't actually here, but it played a big part in what he did. In january 1865, the House of Representatives passed the Thirteenth Amendment, stating all slaves in the U.S. were offically free.
  • Promoted to General in Chief

    Promoted to General in Chief
    On this day, lee was promoted to General in Chief of the Confederate Forces.
  • Lee Surrenders to the Union Once and for All

    Lee Surrenders to the Union Once and for All
    Due to the wise strategic moves and larger well trained army of Ulysses S. Grant, lee surrendered to the Union at the Appomattox Court House. This officially ended the Civil War.
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    President of Washington College

    Washington and Lee University Lee was offered an accepted the role of president for Washington College, now called Washington and Lee University. He did this until he died.
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    Lee being Remembered

    Lee StatueThere are too many schools, memorials, monuments, etc. to list off. Robert E. Lee was an American Hero, and will always be remembered for his acts in the Civil War. A few structures dedicated to him include: Robert E. Lee Elementary School in Coppell, texas, Robert E. Lee Memorial Park in Baltimore, Maryland, Washington and Lee University, Robert Lee, Texas, featured in the carving of Stone Mountain, Lee-Jackson Day in Virginia, and so on!
  • Robert E. Lee's Life Comes to an End

    Robert E. Lee's Life Comes to an End
    2 weeks before his death, Lee suffered from a stroke. He then, on this day, died in Lexington, Virginia, from the affects of pneumonia.
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    Lee's Memorial Monument

    Lee's Monument This monument of General Robert E. Lee is in New Orleans, Lousianna. It is made of white marble and stands in he center of "Lee Circle". It is supposed to be 6 feet tall, and weigh up to 7,000 pounds.