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Robert Burns

  • Robert Burns was born

    Robert Burns was born
  • Robert and his brother went to school

    Robert and his brother went to school
  • Robert moved on the farm Mount Oliphant

    Robert moved  on the farm Mount Oliphant
  • Robert wrote his first poems

    Robert wrote his first poems
  • Robert's father dead and Robert moved on the farm Lohly

    Robert's father dead and Robert moved on the farm Lohly
  • The first book of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish dialect was published

    The first book of Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish dialect was published
  • Period: to

    Was written his famous poems «Tam o’Shanter», «A Man’s A Man For A’ That»,«Ode, sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Oswald»

  • Robert Burns dead in Danfris at the age of 37

    Robert Burns dead in Danfris at the age of 37