Roaring Twenties Inventions

By szy0002
  • Traffic Lights

    Everyone having an automobile was a great thing, it revolutionised transport and created jobs but there was one problem that came about as automobiles became popular. Crossings quickly became a dangerous place since no one knew when to go or stop and let other people through. Luckily William Potts came up with a solution to stop the growing number of deaths on the 1st of January 1920. The traffic light revolutionised roads and greatly dropped the number of road deaths each year.
  • Refrigerator

    William Cullen invented the refrigerator, which was one of the most important inventions of the roaring twenties. Before refrigerators most food had to be bought and used on the day since their was no way to preserve it. The refrigerator saved people a lot of time and effort since it could store food for weeks letting people buy food for the rest of the week, saving people from having to drive up to the shops everyday.
  • Frozen Food

    In the roaring twenties canned food had a reputation for having contaminations and causing a lot of health problems around the world. Thanks to refrigeration being invented more and more possibilities of transporting and keeping food fresh started to be discovered. In 1924 Clarence Birdseye discovered a way to freeze food keeping which helped keep meats for longer. This is another invention that revolutionised the food industry that we take for granted everyday.
  • Automobiles

    Although automobiles have been around since the 1880’s, Henry Ford came out with the first affordable automobiles in the 1920’s. Before the roaring twenties automobiles were seen as these luxury items the only wealthy people could afford but due to Henry Ford's method of making automobiles they became a quick trend revolutionizing transportation.
  • Car Radio

    Car radios seem like a normal thing today, but back in the 1920s it almost seemed alien to have a radio in a car. In 1929 William Leer invented the car radio, promoting the idea of long family car trips since now people had entertainment to make the trip more bearable. The car radio is another invention from the roaring twenties that we think of as a norm today, but used to seem like an unrealistic idea.
  • Electric Blender

    The electric blender had been worked on for many years before the roaring twenties, but the version we all know today was invented in 1936 by Frederick Osius. Before Fredericks model of the blender was invented the blender was simply used to mix liquids like orange juice. The blender Frederick made was a lot more useful though, his blender could blend solids like fruit, cream, cheese and all sorts of other things.