Canada 1914-1929

  • Canada in WWI (0)

    Canada in WWI (0)
    Canada entering the war was already expected, as Canada was not yet independent, and when Britain entered the war, Canada followed. (0) Canada entering the war had both benefits, and drawbacks.
  • Battle of Ypres (-1)

    Battle of Ypres (-1)
    Although the war was a success, and Canada held off the Germans, both sides suffered major losses, as the Canadian forces had suffered roughly 6,000 casualties. (-1) The war was a decline, due to the heavy prices the Canadians suffered for the victory.
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge (+1)

    Battle of Vimy Ridge (+1)
    The Battle of Vimy Ridge was a very important battle, and despite costing large sacrifices, having roughly 10,600 casualties, it was a big victory. (+1) This victory has become a symbol for Canadian identity and independence.
  • Federal Election (-2)

    Federal Election (-2)
    The federal election was a debate on recruitment, which French-Canadians, many farmers, unionized workers, non-British immigrants, and other Canadians opposed. This was one of the fiercest and most divisive events in Canadian political history. (-2) Conscription divided provinces, ethnic and linguistic groups, communities, and families, and had lasting political effects on the country as a whole.
  • End of WWI (+1)

    End of WWI (+1)
    Canada left the war, as a proud and victorious country, through the hardships and major losses. (+1) It helped pave the path for Canadian autonomy afterwards, and served as a reason to be rewarded.
  • Roaring 20's beginning (+1)

    Roaring 20's beginning (+1)
    Years after the first World War ended, citizens of Canada were optimistic and hopeful toward the future, during these years, people were excited to enjoy life. (+1) During the period, Canada had a booming population, and although there were big downsides, it was mainly an event of progression.
  • Chanak Affair (+2)

    Chanak Affair (+2)
    The Chanak Affair is an event in which British troops stationed at Turkey were being threatened by the Turkish. Britain then asked Canada for help, which The Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King declined to provide support. (+2) This was another event that helped Canada reach independence.
  • Balfour Report (+2)

    Balfour Report (+2)
    The Balfour Report was an important document for Canada's path to a fully independent nation. It declared that Britain and its several dominions were constitutionally equal. (+2) The document was very important for helping make Canada self-governing as it is today.
  • Demand of Canadian raw materials increased after 1926 (+2)

    Demand of Canadian raw materials increased after 1926 (+2)
    After 1926, the increase in demand of Canadian raw materials greatly helped the economy grow, and helped the market recover following WWI. (+2) This event was important, as it significantly benefitted the economy.
  • Roaring 20's end & women granted rights (+1)

    Roaring 20's end & women granted rights (+1)
    In 1929, women would finally be granted the right to be considered "persons" which allowed them to qualify for appointment to the Senate. (+1) This event marked the first steps toward equality for all genders, races, and ethnicities.