Roarin' 20's

By SAB6811
  • Woodrow Wilson becomes President

  • Prohibition starts

    Also known as the 18th amendment
  • Harlem Renaissance

    An intellectual and literary movement that fostered a new black cultural identity. 1920's - 1930's
  • Warren G. Harding becomes President

  • Calvin Coolidge becomes President

  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes trial also refered to as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was the state of Tennessee against Scopes, a teacher who taught about Darwins Thoery of Evolution.
  • Black Tuesday

    The day that the stock prices dropped, causing the collapse of the stock market.
  • Great Depression begins

  • Herbert Hoover becomes President

  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

    Raised tariff on over 20,000 items to support nativism.
  • Federal Home Loan Bank Act

    An act passed by the Hoover administration to encourage home ownership by providing low source funds for loans.
  • Prohibition ends

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes President

  • Great Depression ends!