Roald Amundsen

  • Roald Engebreth Gravning Amundsen was born in 1872 in Borge, Norway.

    Roald Engebreth Gravning Amundsen was born in 1872 in Borge, Norway.
  • Amundsen was born into a family of merchant sea captains and prosperous ship owners in 1872.

    Amundsen was born into a family of merchant sea captains and prosperous ship owners in 1872.
  • In 1897 he sailed as first mate on the Belgica in a Belgian expedition that was the first to winter in the Antarctic.

    In 1897, he sailed as first mate on the Belgica in a Belgian expedition that was the first to winter in the Antarctic.
  • In 1903, with a crew of six on his 47-ton sloop Gjøa, Amundsen began his mission to sail through the Northwest Passage and around the northern Canadian coast.

    In 1903, with a crew of six on his 47-ton sloop Gjøa, Amundsen began his mission to sail through the Northwest Passage and around the northern Canadian coast.
  • Roald Amundsen

    The first to reach the South Pole, the first to make a ship voyage through the Northwest Passage
  • Second person to complete north east passage around Siberia

    He went on to become only the second person to complete the North-East Passage around Siberia.
  • Roald Amundsen tried and failed to tame a polar bear cub in 1920

    Roald Amundsen tried and failed to tame a polar bear cub in 1920
  • First transantic flight across with a plane

    He made history again in 1925, when, with his backer Lincoln Ellsworth and pilot Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen, he flew the airship Norge to Alaska via the North Pole – the first transarctic flight across the Pole.
  • Last word

    “Last entry. For God's sake look after our people” were his last words.
  • Period: to

    in 1928 when he died in a plane crash over the Arctic Ocean, during the search for survivors of a lost airship.

    in 1928 when he died in a plane crash over the Arctic Ocean, during the search for survivors of a lost airship.