Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was one of the biggest causes of WWI. The Austia-Hungarian Archduke was assassinated by Gavio Princep in Serbia. This made Austra-Hungry want to cause war with Serbia. -
Gernany Declares War on Russia
Germany declaring war on Russia was a huge start to WWI. This made it so that allies of Germany had to join in the fight as well as the allies of Russia. This was the begin to World War I -
Germany Invades Belgium
Germany invaded Belgium on their way to France. This was the first invasion by either side in WWI and really made the war a reality. Germany invading Belgium made the allied France very angry and since they already had a grudge with Germany this just gave them a reason to fight. -
USA Declares Neutrality
The United States declared that they were going to be neutral in the first world war but in all reality they weren't. The USA started to not trade with Germany at all, but they increased their trade with France and Britain. -
The Sinking of The William P Frye
The sinking of the William P. Frye was the first American merchant ship that the Germans sunk using unrestricted submarine warfare. The unrestriced submarine warfare by the germans was one of the biggest reason why the USA joined in WWI. -
The Sinking of the Lusitania
When the Germans sunk the British ship the Lusitania with 128 Americans on it, it made Americans go insane. Americans started to want revenge on the Germans and were getting extremely angry about the unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans. -
Germany pledges to obey the rules of international sea warfare
When Germany pledged to obey the rules of international sea warfare it made the Americans a little happier and less wanting to join the war, but the Germans lied about it and still sunk all of the ships which made the Americans even more mad. -
The Zimmerman Note
The Zimmerman Note was a note from the Germans to Mexico saying that they wanted the Mexicans to join WWI and keep the Americans busy and once Germany won WWI they would get back the land Mexico lost back in the Mexican-American war. The Americans got ahold of the note and decided they wanted war. -
President Wilson asks congress to declare war on Germany
When President Wilson asked congress to declare war on Germany it made the war a reality in America. It put us into WWI and infact was the turning in the war making the Allies win and defeat Germany. -
The Selective Service Act
The Selective Service Act was the draft. It was created so if America ran out of soldiers they could dip into the draft where anyone from the age of 18 to 35 could be forced into joining the military. -
Germany Surrenders
Germany surrenders to the Triple Entente forces thus basically ending WWI. Once Germany surrendering made it so Austria-Hungry and the Ottoman empire could not handle the Triple Entente. This ended WWI. -
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty that ended World War I. It made Germany take all the blame and basically destroied their military. The Treaty also gave France many of Germanys colonies and made it so Germany couldn't have any colonies anymore at all. It also created The League of Nations which the United States never joined.