Road to WW2

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Chinese territory. Japanese performed tests on citizens
  • Hitler persecutes Jews

    Hitler persecutes Jews
    Blamed all German woes on Jews. Dachau- first concentration camp. Nuremberg laws-1935- lose citizenship. Kristallnacht- 1938.
  • Night of Long Knifes

    Purge that gave Hitler into more power to "protect"
  • Hitler Rearms Germany

    Violation of Treaty of Versailles. France gives a "warning"
  • Japan Invades China

    Full scale war
  • Annexation of Austria

    Germany manipulates their way into annexation
  • Munich Conference

    Highly industrialized area Sudetenland Hitler takes. In conference they appease Germany. Hitler takes rest of Czech
  • German- Soviet Non Aggression Pat

    Supply arms for both sides