Adolf Hitler Becomes Leader Of the Nazi Party
The Nazi Party critisizes the Weimar Republic and supports the thought that all Germans are an Aryan Superhuman race and all others are to be eliminated. -
Germany Is Admitted To The League Of Nations
Germany is allowed and joins on September 8th, 1926 -
Nazi Party Is Elected
The Nazi party is elected making them the 2nd largest political party in Germany. -
Hitler Names Himself Furher
Hitler names himself Furher (Dictator) after the death of the German President. Making him a Dictator. -
Hitler Violates The Treaty Of Versailles
Hilter violates the Treaty Of Versailles by starting conscription for the military. -
The Axis Is Created.
A non agression pact was signed between Germany, Italy and Japan. -
Germany Invades Austria
Germany invades and takes Austria undercontrol. -
North-western Czechoslovakia Is Invaded By Germany
Sudenenland is invaded my Germany and claimed. -
Germany Invades The Rest of Chechoslovakia
Germany invades the rest of Chechoslovakia, violating the Munich agreement. -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany invades Poland, starting World War Two.