Road To World War 2

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    Sun Yat-sen

    Sun Yat-sen and his dynasty rule. In the end, told to step down
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    Weimar Republic

    Government in Germany established by Treaty of Versailles. Germans hate government because it's not established by Germans and has no German power. Hyperventilation also occurred.
  • Establishment of communism in the Soviet Union

    Establishment of communism in the Soviet Union
    Lenin establishes Communism/Leninism. Small group in charge. Creates peasant farms.
  • Mussolini Prime Minister

    Mussolini Prime Minister
    Put in charge of the government. Treaty of Versailles causes this and economy was terrible Gets rid of all political parties, Secret Police- Black Shirts, Censorship of newspapers, radio, Outlawed Strikes, Controlled economy, women- relegated to the home.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Hitler rises to Political office. In WW2. Organized Nazi party
    Develops Party's Identity.
    Develops police "Brown Shirts"
    Tries to overthrow the government.
  • New Leader- Joseph Stalin

    New Leader- Joseph Stalin
    Stalin takes over after Lenin.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Plan that reduced Germany's reparations and loaned money to Germany.
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    Stalin in Power

    "One death is a tragedy, A million deaths is a statistic."
  • Publication of Mein Kampf

    Publication of Mein Kampf
    Hitler writes this while he is in jail. He is mad about Treaty of Versailles. Mad because the Aryan/Germans should be ruling instead.
    Social Darwinism- Take advantage of the weak
    Lebensrauam- living space
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    After Yuan

    Chiang Kaishek controls China
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    Renounce war. Way to enforce this is by war. (Horrible Idea)
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    5 Year Plan

    Tries to Industrialize quickly.
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    Get rid of Kulaks and take care of farm
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    Great Depression

    Stock Market crash, overuse of credit, overproduction, under consumption, everyone tries to take their money out. Uses New Deal to put money in the accounts so people can spend the money.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    Japan invaded Manchuria
    Kidnap women
  • Hitler's Attack on the Jews

    Channels woes to the Jews
    Dachau- First Concentration Camp
    Nuremberg Laws (1935)- Jews lose citizenship
    Kristallnacht/ Night to Broken Glass (1938)- Two night attack on Jews
  • Legally Put into Power

    Hindenburg named chancellor
  • Reichstag (capital building) Catches on Fire

    Enabling Act- Hitler sets up a Toliterian state
    New groups to get the youth of his side
    Establishes SS, gets rid of political powers
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    Kills 8 million. When Stalin removes any of his obstacles/competition.
  • Breaking Versailles

    Hitler rearms Germany (1935). Rome/Berlin Axis (1936). Comintern pact
    Anschluss- Austria wanted to join Germany so Germany gets bigger
  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japan invades China while they are in a civil war
  • Munich Conference

    Industrialized area, Germany wants land and German people.
    Munich Conference- Appeases Hitler to avoid conflict. Hitler takes the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • German- Soviet Nonaggression Pact

    Germany and Soviet don't want to fight each other. Soviet Union takes Baltic States
    Sept. 1 1939. Germany Takes Poland
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    After Kaishek

    Mao Zedong rules after Kaishek