Road To War (WW2)

By heidy08
  • Hitler reocuppies the Rhineland

    Hitler reocuppies the Rhineland
    Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles by sending German military forces into the Rhineland.
  • The Anschluss: Austria annexed to the Third Reich

    The Anschluss: Austria annexed to the Third Reich
    Hitler crossed border into Austria as Germany usurped the country into its empire.
  • Hitler meets with British Prime Minister

    Adolf Hitler meets with British Prime Mmister Neville Chamberlain and states his demand that Czechoslovakia yield the Sudetenland, a refion of Czechoslovakia with a large German population.
  • Germany and Soviet Union sign non-agression pact

    Germany signed this treaty with the Societs because they realized how many allies the Soviets had.
  • Nazi Germany invades Poland, starting WW2

    Nazi Germany invades Poland, starting WW2
    Germany started the war on this day by invading Poland.
  • German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty

    The two parties came up with this treaty after the downfall of Poland so that peace and order could be re-established.
  • Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain

    Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain
    As Germany invsdes Holland and Belgium, Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain.
  • Hitler gains victory over France

    Germany and France signed an armstice that gave Germany control of its allie France.
  • Invasion of Soviet Union

    Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in the largest German miliary operation of WW2.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese made a surprise attack on the American naval port of Pearl Harbor which warranted American intervention in the war