Road to the American Revolution

By NottA19
  • Albany Act of Union Preposed

  • The proclamation of 1763

  • Treaty of Paris

    Document that the French signed agreeing to end all French power in North America
  • Pontiacs War

    War between English and Native Americans that did not end until the French told the Indians about the treaty of Paris
  • French and Indian War

    War between Britain and French + Natives. (Few Natives sided with British). British won war and gained land. War caused Britain to tax the colonies.
  • Sugar Act

    Tax on all sugar and molasses
  • Stamp Act

    A tax on all legal documents
  • Townshend Acts

  • 20,000 British Troops in Boston

  • Quartering Acts

    English colonists were required to house British soldiers when there was no other space available.
  • Boston Masacre

    Colonists verbally harassing and throwing things at British soldiers. Panicked soldiers shoot and kill 5 colonists
  • Tea Act

    The tea act made it so that tea companies could bypass tea merchants, thus tea was cheaper. Colonists were mad about this anyway, because they thought is was a trick so that they would except the parliament commanding them. They were also mad that American tea merchants were no longer making money.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord.

    General Gage wanted to sneak into Concord and take minutemen supplies. But the minutemen new that the British were coming and set a trap. The British only saw about 70 minutemen when they arrived, and those minutemen turned and left when they saw the British. But then, about 300 minutemen appeared behind the British, and drove the troops away.
  • Quebec Act

    Gave all French Catholics in Canada complete religious freedom, created a government for Canada. It also extended Quebec's border