French and Indian War
The war was started due to the fight over land between the French and the British. The 7 year was ended with the Treaty of Paris which split up the land. The British blame the colonists for the 8 million dollars it coast to fund the war. England wanted the Americans to help pay off the war debt since it was a war that was created due to promblems with the Americans and the natives. -
Sugar Act
British creathed the tax to boost the ecnonomy, The britished lowered the tax on the Molasses Act but it was the first time it was being enforced. Also now British troops could search property without a warrent and again this was the first it was enforced. Which made the colonist mad that all of a sudden they were treated like they were all smugglers Americans felt thier god given rights were being ignored due to the Vritish being able to search without warrents -
Stamp Act
Is a tax on all prinited goods. The colonist boycotts which created the sons of liberty and the daughters of liberty. Colonist refused to pay the tax and some even attacked soldiers and tax collectors Created orangized boycotts by the sons of liberty, many people boycotted to show England that they wanted repsentation in paraliment, insted of being taxed on things they used everyday. -
Townshed Act /Quartering Act
Tax on glass, paint, tea, and other such things. This money is being used to finance troops in the colonies. Also the Americans must house and feed British soldiers. Created a lot of tension in the colonis between the British troops and the Americans. Which ended up leading to such things like the Boston masscre -
Tea Act/ Boston Tea Party
Was a taz on tea because the Britsh Eat India Co. was in danger of becoming bankrupt. The sons of Liberty assemble to attack. which leds to the Boston Tea party. which the American damaged $1-3 million in cargo. Great Britian sees this as a threat to British rule. Orangized rebellion on the British which really had an impact on the british economy, and really got the british mad and looking at the colonists as a threat to becoming a rebellion -
Intolerable Acts
these acts make them depenadant on BrIitain. By not allowing them to trade,shutiting down there governement,and which ruin their economy. England tried to make the American depenent on the British but the Americans ended up rebeling even more. England wanted to use Boston as an example to other colonies to show what will happen if you rebel -
1st Contiental Congress
Talked about what their rights are and, howshould we defend them, Created boycotts and committess of correpsondence (Inspect Custom Houses and blacklisted people in the paper) First time all 13 colonies came together. And formed a common goal for each colony by creating custom houses -
Second Continental Congress
Disscussed reconciliation and independence. The nominated George Washington to lead the army. This is when the moderates write the Olive Branch Pettion First to delcaring independece, king laughed at at it and called the colonies in a state of rebellion -
Declartion of Independence
Declaring independence from England , written by Thomas Jefferson, everyone but Dickingson sign. This declares war and express what the American's have been thinking.