Road to Revolution Timeline

  • Jefferson write the DOI

    Jefferson write the DOI
    This DOI made by Thomas Jefferson had 86 different and much needed changes.
  • Battles of Trent and New Jersey

    Battles of Trent and New Jersey
    This was the war where General George Washington's army crossed the icy Delaware.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation was a agreement between 13 states.
  • American and British Battle of Saratoga

    American and British Battle of Saratoga
    This war contained much needed victory. It ended with six battles, resulting in the victory of the continental army.
  • Howe captures Philadelphia

    Howe captures Philadelphia
    How captured the american capital of philydelphia.
  • Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

    This is what stopped a heavy import of slaves.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    valley responsible for the continental army body.
  • State Constitutions

    State Constitutions
    A state constitution comes about. And its the governing document of U.S.
  • Spain Declares war on Great Britain

    Spain Declares war on Great Britain
    Spain declares war!.
  • John Paul Jones & Serapis

    John Paul's ship crashed and while standing on the deck said "I have not begun to fight"
  • British forces capture Charles Town

    This event ended the war and Benjamin Franklin surrenders his army after six weeks.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    The Yorktown war was a long and terrible war that ended in surrender.
  • Treaty of Paris

    This was a treaty signed by King George III of Great Britain. This treaty ended the american revolutionary war.