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Road to Revolution Timeline

  • 1776- Jefferson writes the DOI

    1776- Jefferson writes the DOI
    The Declaration Of Independence was a very well written statement that the colonist wanted to become their own country and start their own civilization.
  • 1776-Battles of Trent and New Jersey

    This battle was a battle where General Washington defeated the Garrison of Hessian mercenaries. Washing lured the British south and then made a daring march to capture Princeton
  • 1777- American and British Battle of Saratoga

    1777- American and British Battle of Saratoga
    During the second year of the American Revolution there were two battles major battles that were both a great victories for the Continental Army. This gave the Continental Army a great advantage and a burst of happiness knowing that they could handle the British.
  • 1777- Howe captured Philadelphia

    Howe and his British army were able to outmatch the American soldiers on September 26, 1777 and captured the major city known as Philadelphia giving them a great building block to move forward in the war.
  • 1777 - Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation was where all 13 of the colonies agreed to become a country and become United instead of separate states and have to provide on their own. This made it so that they were all together and able to work together to survive.
  • 1778- Winter at Valley Forge

    1778- Winter at Valley Forge
    The Winter at Valley Forge was a very important point in the war because the men where cold, Hungry, and depressed. General Washington was able to inspire the men to keep fighting and keep their heads up because they are fighting for the country and the independence
  • 1777 thru 1778 - State Constitutions

    During the Revolution the states began to write constitutions to separate themselves and eventually were the building blocks for the U.S Constitution. This was where the United State was able to separate and be their own country and have a say on what they want to do and accomplish.
  • 1779 - John Paul Jones & Serapis

    Off the eastern coast there was a long hard fought battle John Paul Jones' men and the Serapis. The battle lasted over 3 hours and John Paul Jones and his men claim a victory for the
  • 1779 Spain Declares war on Great Britain

    1779 Spain Declares war on Great Britain
    When Spain declared this war against Great Britain it was showing kind of an alliance with the Americans. The Spanish still refused to sign an alliance with the Americans, but declaring war against Great Britain certainly helped the Americans.
  • 1778-Congress Prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

    During the American Revolution the Colonies stopped the slave trade because it was a strategy that was gonna give less goods to the British
  • 1780- British forces capture Charles Town

    1780- British forces capture Charles Town
    The defeat of Charles Town was a major victory for the British because it was a long and grusome battle that took weeks and the British were able to stick it out and come out of it as the victors
  • 1781-British surrender at Yorktown

    The British surrendered at Yorktown because they were being heavily out matched during this war and had no choice but to surrender. This was yet another great positive for the Continental Army.
  • 1783-Tready of Paris

    1783-Tready of Paris
    The Tready of Paris was signed by many British official and high ranked people, and marked the official end of the American Revolutionary War.