Road to Revolution Timeline

  • The Battle of Lexington

    The Battle of Lexington
    The conflict between Militiamen and British Soldiers in Lexington. Unknown shot caused british to retaliate and kill several colonists. This was the first ever fight between the Patriots and The British.
  • Battle of Concord

    Battle of Concord
    After the battle of Lexington, the British marched onto Concord to raid the stash of gun and ammunition that the Patriots were holding. Luckily those who escaped Lexington were able to warn the Patriots and they were able to retreat to the North bridge. The British seeing that more and more militiamen were arriving, decided to retreat.
  • the Battle of Bunker Hill

    the Battle of Bunker Hill
    Patriots were protecting the hills surrounding Boston from oncoming British troops. Although they were originally told to fortify Bunker Hill, they built forts ontop of Breeds Hill which were closer to Boston. This was one of the first major losses for the Patriots.
  • Battle of Long Island, NY

    Battle of Long Island, NY
    Battle waged by British against the Patriots in order to gain control of New York. George Washingtons army was defeated but was able to get away.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    The Battle of Trenton
    Small battle between the Hessian and the Patriots that helped lift the morale of the Patriots by gaining a victory for their own side
  • Marquis De Lafayette

    Marquis De Lafayette
    Marquis De Lafayette was a french aristocrat and military officer who volunteered his time and money to help the Americans win the war
  • Philadelphia Campaign

    Philadelphia Campaign
    Campaign launched by British army to capture the Colonial Capital of Philadelphia. Philadelphia was lost to the british and although many attempts were made to recover it, none of them proved successful
  • Encampment of Valley Forge

    Encampment of Valley Forge
    The Continental army camped at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777. Here they recieved training and trully became a world class fighting force.
  • The Battle of York Town

    The Battle of York Town
    Washington begins a seige on Yorktown, commanding 17,000 French soldiers and Continetal troops. The British have 9,000 soldiers. After 3 weeks of non stop bombardment, the british dont have anywhere else to run and decide to surrender on October 17, 1781. Therefore ending the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty of peace signed by both Britain and The United States in September 3, 1783
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The battle that changed the tide of the Revolutionary war and convinced the French, Spanish and the Dutch to join their cause against A mutual enemy.