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Road To Revolution

  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    Treaty of Paris 1763
    This treaty ended the French and Indian War.The British double the size of their colonies, all the way to Mississippi.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Prime Minister George Grenville enforced the first law ever passed by the body for raising tax revenue in the colonies for the crown.It increased the taxes on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies.
  • Sons and Daughters of Liberty

    Sons and Daughters of Liberty
    They where colonial protestors who took the law into their own hands after all the new taxes where passed.They said “Liberty, Property, and no stamps”,they enforced the nonimportation agreements against violators.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Grenville imposed a stamp tax, to raise revenues to support the new military force.It was a tax on all paper products.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This act required certain colonies to provide food and quarters for British troops.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    After repealing the Stamp Act, parliament passes the new act.Stating that the British Government has authority over the colonies
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    Prime minister Charles Townshend, persuaded the British Parliament to pass the Townshend Acts.This Act was a tax on daily items the colonist used;glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea.
  • Nonimportation Agreements

    Nonimportation Agreements
    They were in fact a promising stride towards union.They United the American people for the first time in common action.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A crowd of around 69 townspeople where taunting and throwing snowball at a group of red coats.This made the British soldiers act without orders, and they open fired apron the crowd, killing 5 people.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Around hundred Bostonians, boarded docked ships dressed as Indians.They broke open 342 chest of tea and dumping it onto the Atlantic, protesting the tea tax.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The British Parliament, responded to the Boston Tea Part, by passing a series of acts designed to chastise Boston and Massachusetts.The most drastic act was the Boston Port Act, it closed the tea-stained harbor until damages were paid and order could be ensured.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    12 out of 13 colonies met in Philadelphia to redress grievances.It made up a Declaration of rights as well as a formal appeal to other British colonies, the king, and the British people.It also made the Association, It was a complete boycott of British goods. It was a complete boycott of British goods
  • Lexington and Concord

     Lexington and Concord
    The British commander sent troops to Lexington and Concord to seize stores of gun powder.The British were supposed to arrest the ringleaders, Samuel Adams and John Hancock. The Minute man refused to let the British take control and retaliated. The British man moved to Concord where they were forced to retreat, because Americans were ready.
  • Second Continental Congress

     Second Continental Congress
    All of the thirteen colonies showed up with representatives.The Congress elected George Washington to lead the hastily improvised army besieging Boston.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    Colonist seized a hill, now known as Bunker Hill, where Americans mowed down the British but they ran out of ammo and they ran away, leaving the British to take the win.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    It was the colonists last attempt to not go to war with Britain. In this petition, they pledge their loyalty with the crown, and asserted their rights as British citizens.
  • Common Sense:Thomas Paine

    Common Sense:Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine convey the colonist that their true cause was independence rather than reconciliation with Britain.Without independence they could not hope for foreign assistance.
  • Jefferson’s “Explanation” Of Independence

    Jefferson’s “Explanation” Of Independence
    Richard Henry Lee of Virginia moved that “these United colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states”.Congress appointed a committee to prepare a more formal statement of Separation, and Thomas Jefferson was chosen to write it.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    Was formally approved by converses in July 4, 1776.It was written by Thomas Jefferson, invoking the “natural rights” of human kind, and that colonist were justified in cutting their connection with the king.
  • General Washington at Bay

    General Washington at Bay
    Washington stealthily recrossed Delaware River, surprised and capture 1,000 Hessians(European mercenaries).A week later Washington defeated small British force at Princeton.
  • Revolution In Diplomacy

    Revolution In Diplomacy
    France offered a treaty of alliance, offering America everything that Britain had offered, plus recognition of independence.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation
    Disorganized colonist fought almost the entire war before adopting a constitution.
  • Yorktown

    British Cornwallis fallen back to Yorktown, thinking Britain still controlled the sea.He was surprised when Washington and the French army beset British by land, while de Grasse blockaded them by sea.Cornwallis surrender his entire force.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    With representatives of King George III and America, they signed a treaty ending the American Revolutionary War.America was granted generous boundaries, west, north, and south.