Road To Revolution by: Jamar

By mundyja
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    Was the first battle of the Revolutionary War Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith led british troops into Concord
    General Gage was the commander on the british army An American victory
  • Captue of Fort Ticonderoga

    Captue of Fort Ticonderoga
    Ethan Allen
    Benedict Arnold Gave the Continental Army much needed artillery for future battles American victory
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Suceeded the First Continental Congress Thomas Jerfferson
    Ben Franklin
    John Hancock Created continental army Peyton Randolph
    Charles Thompson
  • Battle of Bunker Hiill

    Battle of Bunker Hiill
    William Prescott led colonial army
    John Stark
    William Howe British Victory British capture Charlestown peninsula
  • George Washington named commander in chief

    Was elected over such people like John Hancock Led Americans to win the Revolutionary War
  • American defeat at Quebec

    American loss Benedict Aronld got wounded
    Richard Montgomery got killed
    Daniel Morgsn was taken prrisoner
    Major General John Burgoyne Americans had a horrible defeat as the result and retreated
  • Evacuation of Boston (Evacuation Day)

    Evacuation of Boston (Evacuation Day)
    William Howe
    Georege Washington Boaton was soon liberated as the resault George Washington victory
  • Declaration of Independence Issued

    Declaration of Independence Issued
    Biggest event in the revolutionary war American got its freedon Thomas Jefferson (writter)
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    Major British victory George Washington
    James Grant
    William Howe
    Charles Cornwallis British captured New York as the resault
  • British Occupy New York City

    General William Howe Staioned it New York. Started to startion on July 12 with reinforcments Help British set up
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    George Washington led troops across the Delaware River to attack sleeping Hessians on Christmas Nathanael Greene
  • Battle of Bradywine

    British victory George Washington
    William Howe
    Charles Cornwallis
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    Turning point American win John Burgoyne
    William Howe
    Benedict Arnold King Louis XVI reconized American independence John Burgoyne surrenders
  • British Occupation of Philadelphia

    General Howe tried to push Washington's troops back British occupation then evacuation of Philadelphia General Howe
    George Washington
  • Battle of Saratoge (continued)

    Battle of Saratoge (continued)
    Turning point American win John Burgoyne
    William Howe
    Benedict Arnold King Louis XVI reconized American independence John Burgoyne surrenders
  • Articles of Confederation adopted

    Articles of Confederation adopted
    Granted federal power Were in force starting March 1, 1781
  • Period: to

    WInter at Valley Forge

    WInter of 1777-1778 Frederick von Steuben Won Battle of Monmouth
  • Allience with Frace

    Signed the Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Amity and Commerce recognized the United States as an independent nation Ben Franklin
    Silas Deane
    Arthur Lee
  • Battle of Monmounth Court House

    Battle of Monmounth Court House
    Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton
    George Washington
    Molly Pitcher The battle was a draw Last major engagement fought in the northern theater of the war
  • Fall of Savvanah

    Fall of Savvanah
    Robert Howe
    Archibald Campbell British Victory Returned Georgia to British
  • Spain enters the war

    Created a de facto alliance with the Americans Treaty of Versailles was the resault of this Spain declared war against Brtiian
  • Period: to

    Seige of Charleston

    British victory Charles Cronwallis
    Benjamin Lincoln Elimination of the Continental Army
  • Battle of Chesapeake Bay

    French victory Charles Cornwallis
    Sir Samuel Hood Allowed successful siege of Yorktown
  • Benedict Arnold's treson discovered

    Switched to British side when the continental army reached low
  • Period: to

    Seige of Yorktown

    Treaty of Paris French-American victory The Declaration of Independece was recognized
  • Corwallis Surrenders

    Brings American Revolution to a close at Yorktown