Road to Revolution

  • Continental Congress Meets

    -All of the colonies have officials to make decisions for them but Georgia does not and does their own thing.
    -Wrote a letter to Britain telling them that they needed to treat the colonists better.
    -The colonists decided to stop trading with Britain.
    -Patrick Henry got the colonists to get together and go against Britain.
  • 1,000's of redcoats in Boston

    -General Gage takes thousands of soldiers to Boston with thousands more on the way to fight.
  • Midnight ride of Paul Revere

    • Paul Revere rides to Lexington and Concord to let the Sons of Liberty know that the British are on the way.
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    Battle of Lexington
    -America's first war
    -The British won the war Battle of concord
    -America wins the war and makes the British go back to Boston.
    -America wins the war