road to revolution

  • boston tea paty

  • first continental congress meets

    first continental congress meets
    all colonies but georgia have representatives voted to send a statement of grievances voted to boycott all british tr
  • 1,000's of redcoats in boston

    1,000's of redcoats in boston
    general gage brings thousands of british soldiers to boston with more on the way
  • midnight ride of paul revere

    paul revere rides to warn the sons of liberty in lexington
  • battles of lexington and concord

    battle of lexington
    -1st battle of american revolutionary war
    -"shot heard round the world ralph waldo
    emerson british victory battle of concord
    americans stop british and force them to retreat back to boston AMERICAN VICTORY
  • capture of fort ticonderoga

    benedict arnold & ethan allen capture the fort
    get all supplies in the fort including cannons
    american victory
  • battle of bunker hill

    fought on breed hill
    don ,t fire until you see the whites of their
    eyes william prescott