Road to Revolution

  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris signed between the British and the French. Marking the end of the French and Indian War.
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    Pontiac's Rebellion

    Native Americans rebel against the treatment that Britain gives them
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Parliament states that no settlement can take place west of the Appalachian Mountains because Native Americans are on the other side
  • Sugar Act of 1764

    Tax on importing sugar, wine, and coffee. Molasses tax already existed but is double the sugar act so Britain thought colonists would be happier but it encouraged smuggling
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    A tax on all print materials like legal documents, newspapers, and dice
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    Colonists must now supply British soldiers with bedding, living space, food, beer, cider, and rum. This was a time of peace so many colonists saw it unnecessary. British saved money and soldiers stayed about 6-8 months
  • Virginia Resolves

    The House of Burgesses says that Britain can not tax the state of Virginia. Many other colonies follow as such.
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    Stamp Act Congress

    The event that eventually made the British Parliament reject the Stamp Act. Sparked tax boycotts and riots. Attack on tax collectors
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    Britain cedes to the orders of the colonists since their income was going down as no one was paying taxes
  • Declaratory Act

    When Britain repealed stamp act, British government passes a law that states Britain has the right to tax the colonists and will
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    Townshend Acts

    Taxes on lead, glass, paper, paint, and tea. Was various acts taxing these things. Punished the assemblies who tried to stop British taxes. Causes various boycotts which causes an increase in soldiers. One of the boycotts was the Daughters of Liberty who created their own products instead of the British imported cloths.
  • The Boston Massacre

    Five people died in a fight where colonists threw rocks at redcoats returning home. The redcoats started shooting and killed 3 in the moment and 2 later from their injuries