Road to Revolution

By Avery r
  • 1000s of redcoats in Boston

    1000s  of redcoats in Boston
    general Gage brings thousand of British soldiers to Boston with more to come
  • midnight ride of Paul revere

    midnight ride of Paul revere
    paul revere rides to warn the sons of liberty in Lexington and concord that the British are coming
  • battles of Lexington and concord

    battles of Lexington  and concord
    battle of Lexington-1st battle of american revolutionary war. -shot heard round world -Ralph waldo Emerson.
    -British victory
    .battle of concord-Americans stop British and force them to retreat back to boston
  • capture of fort Ticonderoga

    capture of fort Ticonderoga
    -Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen capture the fort.
    -get all suplies in the fort including cannons.
    -american victory
  • second continental congress meet

    -print money
    -set up post office
    -created continental army led by George Washington
    -sent olive branch asking king to protect their rights
    -king hires 30000 hessians soldiers in response
  • second arrives on outskirts of Boston with Continental

    -realizes men are disorganized and need discipline
    -need weapons
  • sugar act

    -indirect tax(out of sight=out of mind)
    -duties on molasses and sugar
  • stamp act

    -tax on all paper products
    -official stamp/act on all paper items (proof tax was actually paid
  • Declaratory Act

    -parliament declares it has power to make laws for colonies.
    -parliament passes this to save place
  • common sense -published by Thomas pain

    common sense -published by Thomas pain
    -pamphlet inspires more colonist to become patriots
    -every thing that is right or reasonable pleads for separation the blood of the slain the weeping voice of nature cries tis time to part-Thomas Paine,common sense
  • British surrender Boston

    British surrender Boston
    -Washington believes his army is ready and weapons arrive
    -Washington puts cannons on Dorchester heights overlooking Boston
    -BRITISH retreat
  • second continental meet again

    second continental meet again
    -debate on declaring independence
    -Thomas Jefferson is the primary author of the document
  • second contineatl congress votes for Independence

    second contineatl congress votes for Independence
    -all 13 colonies vote yes on declaring independence
  • the declaration of independence is signed