Road to Revolution

  • fort ticonderoga

    fort ticonderoga
    this building is known for the first offensive victory for amrican forces in revolutionary war
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    indirect tax(out of site=out of mind)
    dutie on molasses and sugar
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    purchased only with valubal silver coins
    didnt pay=fined or jailed
  • declatory act

    declatory act
    declaration by the british parliamant that accopained the repeal of the stamp act. parliment had control over governing .
  • townshed act

    townshed act
    parliment passed the townshed act so he could tax imported goods like glass tea,and paper and women wanted to wear homade fabrics
  • boston masscre

    boston masscre
    this is a deadly riot that occured in 1770
  • tea act

    tea act
    to seel tea directly to colonist. tex tea cheaper then smuggled tea
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    political protest that occured at griffins wharf in boston matthusuetts
  • inotolerble acts

    inotolerble acts
    to force somone to do something to punosh colonist for resisting british authority. british authority.british soilders forced to live amoung the colonist
  • quatering act

    quatering act
    that great britian ould house its soilders in americans barraks and public houses
  • first continentinal congress

    first continentinal congress
    this was a meeting of delgates from 12 of the 13 british colonies that because united states
  • continetal conggress meets

    continetal conggress meets
    all colonist but georga have representatives
    voted to send a statment of greivances
    voted to boycott all british trade
    patrick henry-VA rep. urged colonist to unite against britan
  • lexington and concord

    lexington and concord
    the first milliatry engagments of the american revolutionary war and fought in country middlesex
  • washington arrives at boston with continentinal troops

    washington arrives at boston with continentinal troops
    realised neb are inorganized and need disaplin and they need weapons
  • bunker hill

    bunker hill
    this one is short but this is when the british defeated the americans
  • second continentinal congress

    second continentinal congress
    printing money set up post office,created continentinal amry led by george washinton. and the kinghires 30000 hesseints solders in response
  • 1,000 read coats

    1,000 read coats
    general gage brings thousands of british solders to boston with more on the way
  • british surrender boston

    british surrender boston
    washington belives his army is ready and ready and weapons arrives washington puts cannons on dirchester hights overlooking boston
  • votes for indepenece

    votes for indepenece
    second continental congress on july only 9 of the conlies voted for independence
  • declaration of indepndence

    declaration of indepndence
    the declatration of indepenece is signed
  • common sense

    common sense
    pamplet inspires more colonist to become patriots everything that is right or reasonable pleads for seperation the blood of slain the weeping voice of nature cries
  • midnight ride of paul revere

    midnight ride of paul revere
    a british patrol intercepted all three men and dawee
    escaped.and revere was held for some time