
Road to Revolution 5.3 & 5.4

  • sugar act

    sugar act
    they made indirect taxes and placed taxes on molasses and sugar
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    you needed an official stamp/seal on all paper, for proof taxes were payed. taxes placed on all paper products, including legal documents, licenses, newspapers, pamphlets, playing cards,
  • quartering act

    quartering act
    required citizens to house soilders
  • declaratory act

    declaratory act
    parliment said that they have the right to pass laws over colony in any case whatsowever
  • townshend acts

    townshend acts
    taxed thing such as glass, lead, paper, paint, tea, ect.
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    solider strikes colonist and a crowd gathers, throwing things and shouting. one says "fire if you dare!"
    They do eventually.. its known as the Boston massacre
  • tea act

    tea act
    BEIC sold tea directly to colonists at low prices
    tax tea cheaper than smuggled tea
    colonists feared BEIC would set them out of business
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    sons of liberty dumb more than 340 chests of tea into the Boston harbor this caused problems for loyalists (people in the colony in support or loyal to the king/Britain
  • intolerable acts

    intolerable acts
    passed as punishment for the boston tea party, boston harbor was closed until all tea was payed for. Massachusetts charter was cancelled, + royal officials had a trail in boston
  • first congressional congress

    first congressional congress
    First Continental Congress Meet
    All colonies except georgia came and/or have representatives
    Voted for something called a “statement of grievances”
    The sons of liberty Voted on boycotting all english trade
    Patric Henry was VA rep. He urged colonists to unite against Britain
  • 1000 redcoats

    1000 redcoats
    General named “General Gage” brought thousands of redcoats to Boston, with many more on the way.
    these troops were used to "Keep boston in place"
  • midnight ride of paul revere

    midnight ride of paul revere
    Paul Revere rides over to Lexington and Concord to warn the Sons of Liberty that the British are coming.
    He told them “the British are coming… the British are coming..” concord hid weapons, Lexington had Samuel Adams in it.
  • battle of lexington and concord

    battle of lexington and concord
    battle of lexington was the first battle of the revolutionary war. they lost the battle, however the battle of concord, where weapons were hidden. they won the battle, driving boston back,
  • fort tinconderoga

    fort tinconderoga
    Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen captured the fort of Ticonderoga
    They got all the supplies from the fort, + cannons
    The Americans won.
  • second congressional congress meet

    second congressional congress meet
    the second congress meet, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin joined. Sam Adams and a few others such as George Washington were there. not ready to vote for a break from England just yet.Authorized printing of money and they choose committees to handle relations that were with the foreign countries, and others such as natives. They create an army lead by George Washington.
  • bunker hill

    bunker hill
    They fought on Breed's Hill. A person named William Prescott said “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” The British won, but learned taking down America would be way more difficult than they’d thought. Wouldn't be easy
  • second congressional meet part 2 (declaration of independence)

    second congressional meet part 2 (declaration of independence)
    debating on declaring their own independence the declaration of independence is written by Thomas Jefferson, mostly. declaration approved, signed by john Hancock and 51 other delegates . includes problems against the king, declaration of the new country/state/nation, ect. July 4th became independence day due to this event.. it was signed july 4th. wrote grievances against the king, but they were ignored
  • washington arrives with troops on outskirts of boston

    washington arrives with troops on outskirts of boston
    realizes men are disorganized, he took on the task to train them to be more organized. the men also needed weapons arrives on the outskirts of the redcoats territory
  • votes for independence

    votes for independence
    the congress voted for independence, everyone agreed that they should have it
  • Common Sense, by Thomas Paine

    Common Sense, by Thomas Paine
    Pamphlet published by Thomas Paine, stating “everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voices of nature cries, ‘TIS TIME TO PART” Inspires colonists to follow the independence thing, becoming patriots.
  • british surrender boston

    british surrender boston
    washington knows or beleives army is ready, weapons arrived for them.
    put cannons overlooking boston, due to the attacks and the fact the british were basically hopeless to win they retreated, american victory.
  • declaration of independence signed

    declaration of independence signed
    the declaration of independence was signed on July fourth, making the fourth of July independence day -- the day they signed for their independence and declaration of a new nation.