Road to Revolution 5.3 & 5.4

  • Sugar Acts

    Sugar Acts
    indirect tax
    Duties on molasses and sugar
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    tax on all paper products
    If didn’t purchase= fined or jailed
    Direct tax
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    Parliament said that they have the right to pass laws over colony in any case
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    Crowd gathers and assaults soldiers, throwing snowballs and shouting insults
    more soldiers arrive and colonists get more and more angry
    they said fire if you dare
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    BEIC sold tea directly to colonists at low prices
    Taxed tea cheaper than smuggled tea
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    Members in Sons of Liberty dumped over 340 big boxes of tea in the Boston harbor
    caused problems for loyalists
  • Quartering acts

    Quartering acts
    The law required citizens to house soldiers.
  • Intolerable acts

    Intolerable acts
    passed as a punishment for the Boston tea party
    Boston harbor was closed until all tea was payed for
  • First Continental congress

    First Continental congress
    A meeting of delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies, They met a deal with the intolerable acts. Georgia was the only colony that did not send a representative to the congress, they agreed to boycott the goods at first, if the parliament did not repeal the intolerable acts.
  • 1000 red coats

    1000 red coats
    General Gage bring 1000 red coats to Boston
  • Midnight ride of Paul revere

    Midnight ride of Paul revere
    Paul revere warns the sons of liberty that the British is coming
  • Battles of Lexington and concord

    Battles of Lexington and concord
    it was the first battle of the revolutionary war
    British victory
  • Second Continental Congress meet

    Second Continental Congress meet
    print money
    set up post office created continental Army by George Washington
  • Capture of fort Ticonderoga

    Capture of fort Ticonderoga
    Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen captured the fort
    America won
  • Battle of bunker Hill

    Battle of bunker Hill
    They fought on Breeds hill
    The British won
    America ran out of bullets
  • Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with Continental troops

    Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with Continental troops
    they realizes men are disorganized
    they realize they need weapons
  • ' Common Sense"

    ' Common Sense"
    pamphlet inspires more colonies to become patroits
  • Bitish Surrender Boston

    Bitish Surrender Boston
    Washington believes his army is ready and weapons arrive
    Washington puts canons on Dorchester Heights overlooking Boston
    American victory
  • Second Continental Congress meet again

    Second Continental Congress meet again
    they debate on declaring the independence
    Thomas Jefferson in the main author of the paper
  • second Continental Congress votes for independance

    second Continental Congress votes for independance
    The 13 colonies vote yes to declaring independence
    56 delegates signed it
  • Declaration of Indipendance

    Declaration of Indipendance
    The american revolution has begun