Road to Revolution

By Eshih22
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Governor did not do anything about the Native American attacks on frontier settlements. He also denied permission to expand westward. Bacon's rebellion was an armed rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkely. United the people against the ruling class.
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    Great Awakening

    Colonists began pursuing diverse religious affiliations and interpreting the Bible for themselves. It was a time of religious revival in the colonies. Encouraged religion within the colonies.
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    French and Indian War

    Both the French and the British wanted the land in the Ohio River Valley and both thought that it was their own. A war between the colonies and New France to gain control between them. The British won the war and forced the French to give up all of their land in North America.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    A plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. They dropped the plan because of fear of losing their own self-governing. It failed because colonists didn't realize the importance of intercolonial unity.
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    British Colonial Acts

    The British wanted more money off of the colonies. The British often taxed the colonists and caused them to lose a lot of money. The colonists started to revolt and boycott against the British and led to their independence.
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    Pontiac's Rebellion

    The Native American tribes thought that they were being mistreated by the British. An uprising of Native Americans against the British colonies. Showed that the Natives weren't weak and made the colonists treat them with more respect.
  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    The Natives were attacking colonists' land because they were getting their own land taken away. Gave the Native Americans land beyond the Appalachian Mountains. Prevented further altercations between the colonists and the Natives.
  • Boston Massacre

    The colonists were protesting against the acts enforced by Britain. A street fight between the patriots and English soldiers. Made the patriots dislike the British even more and made them want independence more.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The intolerable acts were put into place causing many protests. The Sons of Liberty threw a ship's worth of British tea into the Boston Harbor. The Boston Harbor was closed and led towards the repeal of the intolerable acts.
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    First Continental Congress

    Talk about the British's harsh acts and what to do about them. Was a meeting of delegates from all colonies (except Georgia) to organize colonial resistance against the British's acts. Boycotted goods from Britain and forced Britain to repeal the intolerable acts.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The colonists/British won the war. A treaty that officially ended the French and Indian War. Officially ended the war and made the French give up all their land in North America to the British including the Ohio River Valley.