American Revolution

  • Jefferson wrote the DOI

    Jefferson wrote the DOI
    Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence. He wrote it because he thought that the Americans deserved their freedom. Two other people contributed to it were, John Adams and Ben Franklin.
  • Battles of Trent and New Jersey

    Battles of Trent and New Jersey
    George Washington s army crossed the icy Delaware. They did this on Christmas day for a period of eight days. They won two of the battles. In the battle of Trenton George also won.
  • State Constitutions

    State Constitutions
    The state constitutions were like their states rules. Each one was different and states made them over a 1 year period.
  • American and British Battle of Saratoga

    American and British Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was a battle in the revolutionary war. In that war the Americans won.
  • Howe captures Philadelphia

    Howe captures Philadelphia
    The British captured Philadelphia. They sent 15,000 troops to evacuate Philadelphia under General Sir Henry Clinton order.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    This was an agreement of the original 13 colonies of America. It was the first Constitution of the United States. It was approved by the second colonial congress on November 15, 1777.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    Washington moved his troops to his winter location, Valley Forge. When they got there they were suffering from the cold, hunger, and fatigue from not alot of sleep.
  • Spain Declares war on Great Britain

    Spain Declares war on Great Britain
    When Spain declared the war they made a de facto alliance with Americans. King Charles III would not consent to the treaty of alliance with the United States.
  • John Paul Jones & Serapis

    John Paul Jones & Serapis
    The U.S. ship Bonhomme Richard, was ran by John Paul Jones, wons a engagement against the British ships of war Serapis.
  • British forces capture Charles Town

    British forces capture Charles Town
    The British planned to capture Charleston, South Carolina, intending to use the city as a base for further operations in the southern colonies.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    British surrender at Yorktown
    The British surrendering ended the revolutionary war. After lacking the financial resources to raise a new army, the British government turned to the Americans for peace.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    It was signed in Paris by representatives of King George III of Great Britain and representatives of the United States of America and officially ended the American Revolutionary War
  • Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

     Congress prohibits enslaved people imported to the US
    Congress in on March 2, 1807 made a law stating prohibiting the importations of slaves in any port or place within the United States.