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Road to Pearl Harbor

  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    U.S. Congress passed the first Neutrality Act prohibiting the export of “arms, ammunition, and implements of war” from the United States to foreign nations at war
  • "Cash and Carry"

    "Cash and Carry"
    U.S creates the "Cash and Carry" provision: Nations at war could acquire any items except arms from the United States, so long as they immediately paid for such items and carried them on non-American ships.
  • Japan's Aggression: Second Sino-Japanese War

    Japan's Aggression: Second Sino-Japanese War
    Japan invades North China from Manchuria.
  • Third Neutrality Act

    Third Neutrality Act
    The third Neutrality Act allowed arms to be sent to nations at war. This was FDR’s attempt to help France and England without going to war.
  • Japanese invade Indochina

    Japanese invade Indochina
    Japanese troops begin to occupy the French colony of Indochina.
  • American Response

    American Response
    U.S. imposes trade sanctions, followed by an embargo, aimed at curbing Japan's military aggression in Asia.
  • Lend Lease Act

    Lend Lease Act
    The Lend Lease Act was passed. The act authorized the president to transfer arms or any other defense materials for which Congress appropriated money to “the government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States.” Britain, the Soviet Union, China, Brazil, and many other countries received weapons under this law.
  • German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact BROKEN

    German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact BROKEN
    Germany invades the Soviet Union during Operation Barbarossa.
  • Oil Embargo

    Oil Embargo
    The U.S freezes Japanese assets and places an embargo on oil and iron to Japan (the U.S. supplied Japan with more than ½ of their imports, including 2/3 of its oil and 2.5 million tons of scrap iron), which Japan badly needs for its war effort. They begin to look elsewhere for its materials, especially in the Dutch East Indies (a large source of oil.)
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese attack the U.S. naval base Pearl Harbor located in Hawaii. 2,403 American soldiers, sailors, and civilians are killed. The Japanese make simultaneous strikes on Guam, Midway, and British bases in Hong Kong and Singapore. Japan declares war on the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    FDR asks congress for a declaration of war on Japan.
  • Axis Powers Declare War

    Axis Powers Declare War
    Germany and Italy declare war on the United States.