Road to independence

  • first Continental congress meets

    Patrick henry - va rep urged colonist to unite against Britain
  • first Continental congress meets

    all colonies have representatives except Georgia voted to a send a statement of grievance voted to boycott all British trade
    Patrick Henry VA rep . urged
  • battle of lexington and cocord

    battle of lexington=1st battle of american revolutionary war shot heard around the world ralph waldo british victory. battle of concord american stop the British and force them to retreat
  • 1000 of red coats in Boston

    general Gage brings thousands of British soldiers to boston
  • Midnight ride Paul Revere

    Paul Revere rides to warn the sons of liberty in Lexington and concord that British are coming
  • capture of fort ticonderoga

    Benedict Arnold and ethan allen capture the fort . get all supplies in the fort including cannons .
    American victory
  • second continental congress meet

    print $$$$$
    set up a post office
    created a Continental army
    sent olive branch asking to protect there rights'
    king hires 30000 Hessians soldiers
  • battle of bunker hill

    fight at breeds hill dont fire until you see the white in there eyes British victory British olearn defeating americans wouldn't be easy
  • Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston

    realize men and disorganized
    need weapons
  • common sense published by Thomas Paine

    pamphlet inspires colonist
    every thing that is right or reasonable
  • British surrender Boston

    Washington thinks his army is ready
    washington puts cannons on dorchester
    British retreat
  • second continental congress meet again

    Debate on declaring independence \
    Thomas Jefferson is the Primary author of the document
  • second continental congress votes for independence

    All 13 colonies vote yes on declaring independence
  • The declaration of independence is signed

    The declaration of independence is signed