Road to independence

  • Thomas Paine arvied to the colonies.

    THomas Paine went to the colonies to support indipendence he came from England.
  • First Continental Congress meets.

    -All colonies but Georgia have Represenatives
    -voted to send a statement of grievance voted to boycott all British trade
    -Patrick Henry-VA rep. colonists urged to unite against Britain
  • King george

    New England was in a state of Rebellion
  • Battle of lexiton and Concord

    70 miniutemen were waiting for the redcoats at Lexington. The minutemen were about to shoot when the redcoats shot first,when the smoke cleared only 8 minutemen layed dead and continued to Concord .
  • Led Them out

    Dr.Joseph Warren led Paul Revere and William Dawe out of Boston.
  • Attack at fort Ticonderoga.

    Benedict Arnold teamed up with Ethan allens men to attack fort Ticonderoga and they were sucsessful.
  • Continental congress meets again

    They would meet again if the British did not adress their complaints.
  • Battle of bunker hill

    The British was in control of breds hill and the red coats camped nerby and while they were low on gun powder they made the Bristish retreat.
  • Washington's Army ready

    Washington thought his army was ready so during the night he snuck while the redcoats slept and attacked and won.
  • Thomas Paine published a pamphlet

    Thomas paine in 1776 published a pamphlet called "Common Sense" in it he called for a complete break from British rule.
  • Richard Henery Lee Offers a bold resolution.

    Richard Lee offerd a resolution and after he gave it he belived teh the colonies should break from Britain but they were scarde that British would crush them.
  • Continental Congress votes

    The Continnental Congress voted for Lee's resolution for indipendence. Twelve voted fro it New York didn't vote but later agreed.
  • Independence

    Thomas Jefferson made a draft for the Declaration of Independence, after some changes the Declaration of Independence was made and Jhonn hancock signed first big enough so that King Geogre would be able to see it without his glasses.
  • Tratior

    Arnold became a tratior becuase he sold information to the Britsih and he fled.