Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    -All colonies except Georgia sent representatives.
    -Voted to send a "statement of grievances
    -Voted to Boycott all British Trade
    -Patrick Henry- VA rep. urged colonists to unite agaisnt Britain
  • Second Meeting of the Continental Congress

    Second Meeting of the Continental Congress
    -The Continental Congress agreed to meet again if the British didn't listen to their complaints
  • Washington Reaches Boston

    Washington Reaches Boston
    -Washington reaches Boston a few weeks after the Battle of Bunker Hill
    -Washington realized that the men were disorganized and lacked discipline
    -He began turning the armed men into soldiers
  • British Troops in Boston

    British Troops in Boston
    -British General Thomas Gage ordered troops to seize weapons from Massachusetts militia and arest their leaders
  • British troops on the move

    British troops on the move
    -Dr. Joseph Warren warned Paul Revere and William Dawes that the British were leaving the city.
    -Revere and Dawes rode to Lexington to spread the word that the British were coming
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    -The British approched Lexington and the minutemen were badly out numbered
    -Someone shot and both sides started firing, at the end 8 minutemen lay dead
    -The British continued onto Concord while colonists hid and fired at them
  • Fort Ticonderoga Surrenders

    Fort Ticonderoga Surrenders
    -Benedict Arnold plans to seize Fort Ticonderoga a key location that had many military supplies.
    -Benedict learned that Ethan Allen was aslo planning to attack the fort.
    -Together they took the British by surprise, forcing them to surrender
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    -Some of the greatest leaders of the colonies came
    -All delegates from the first Continental Congress attended and several new ones came as well.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    -A militia commanded by Colonel William Prescott set up posts on Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    -The British assembled at Breed's Hill
    -The Patriots were low on ammunition and started firing, forcing the British to retreat
    -Two more times the British charged and received lots of fire from above
    -The Americans ran out of gunpowder and had to withdrawl
    -The British had won suffered heavy losses
  • Moving Toward Independence

    Moving Toward Independence
    -Thomas Pain arrived in the colonies in 1774
    -He published a pamphlet called "Common Sense" which was a about a break from British rule
  • Washington's Attack on Boston

    Washington's Attack on Boston
    -Washington had soldiers with cannons looking over Boston while the redcoats slept
    -This surprised the British and they realized they were within easy reach of Washington;s big guns
    -The redcoats boarded ships and sailed away to Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Second Continental Congress Votes for Lee

    Second Continental Congress Votes for Lee
    -The second Continental Convoted on Richard Henry Lee's resolution for independence
    -12 colonies voted for the independence, New York did not vote then later voted for independence
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    -Delegates discussed Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence, they made a few changes and then approved it
    -John Hancock was the first to sign
  • Patriot Traitor

    Patriot Traitor
    -Benedict Arnold sold information to the British
    -When his crime was discovered he ran to New York City, there he commanded British troops and fought against the Patriots