Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress meets

    All colonies but Georgia have representatives voted to send a "statement of grievances" Voted to Boycott all British Trade Patrick Henry -Va rep.urged colonists to unite against Britain
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The redcoats were deployed at Breeds Hill and were ordered not to shoot since Bunker Hill heavily protected
  • The Second Continental Congress Voted on Resolution

    This was the second Continental Congress voted on Lee's resolution
  • The Battle of Lexigton and Concord

    Redcoats arrived outnumbered the minute men and had a battle.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Benedict Arnold was captain in the Militia of Connecticut militia and was needed to seize the Connecticut Fort
  • Set Up Posts Across the Harbor From the Bay

    A militia set up posts on Bunker Hill commanded by Colonel William Prescott
  • Celebration

    George Washington and his troops had the Declaration of Independence read to them
  • Great Britain Sends Troops

    Colonial protest leader Dr. Joseph Warren walked through Boston.Watching for any usual activity by the British. He saw troops marching out of the city
  • British Troops Arribe

    There were British troops spotted marching out of Boston and the sons of liberty were alerted
  • Moving Towards Independance

    Thomas Pain arrives in the colonies in about 1774
  • Evacuation Day

    George Washington lead his troops to Boston and British Troops evacuated
  • Independance Day (4th of July)

    John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence and changes were made to Jefferson's draft
  • Contiental Congress meets

    All colonists but Georgia has representatives
    Voted to send a "statement of Grievances"
    Voted to Boycott all British Trade
    Patrick Henry-VA rep. urged colonists to unite against Britain