
Road to Independence

  • Meeting in Philadelphia

    Meeting in Philadelphia
    -55 delegates met in Philadelphia to start a political body that would represent the good in America, which people called the Continental Congress
  • First Continental Congress Meets

    First Continental Congress Meets
    -All colonists but Georgia have representatives
    -Voted to send a "statement of grievances"
    -Voted to Boycott all British Trade
    -Patrick Henry - VA representative urged colonists to unite against Britain
  • British Troops in Boston

    British Troops in Boston
    -The British General, Thomas Gage, told troops to seize weapons from Massachusetts militia and he made them arrest their leaders
  • The British troops arrived

    The British troops arrived
    -British troops were seen marching out of Boston
    -The Sons of Liberty were alerted and they rode to Lexington to warn that the British were coming
    -A British patrol captured William Dawes and Paul Revere
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    -The redcoats arrived in Lexington and they outnumbered the minutemen
    -The British troops then arrived in Concord and they were greatly defeated
  • Fort Ticonderoga Surrendered

    Fort Ticonderoga Surrendered
    -Benedict Arnold was a captain in the Connecticut militia and was wanted to seize Fort Ticonderoga
    -Fort Ticonderoga in New York was a key location and was rich in military supplies
    -Ethan Allen was planning to attack the fort so he joined forces with his men (Green Mountain Boys) and defeated the British and took Fort Ticonderoga
  • The Second Continental Congress Meeting

    The Second Continental Congress Meeting
    -John and Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Washington all attended the meeting
    -All of the delegates including new delegates attended the meeting
    -John Hancock was chosen to be president of the Second Continental Congress
    -The delegates sent a petition to Britain and offered them a last chance to avoid war
    -The king rejected the petition and hired 30,000 German troops to prepare for war
  • Posts were set up across the harbor from Boston

    Posts were set up across the harbor from Boston
    -A militia commanded by Colonel William Prescott set up posts on Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    -The redcoats assembled at Breed's Hill
    -Prescott ordered "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes." because they were very short on ammunition
    -The redcoats charged and received fire from above them
    -The Americans ran out of gunpowder
    -The British won, but they suffered a loss of more than 1,000 dead and wounded soldiers
  • Moving Toward Independence

    Moving Toward Independence
    -Thomas pain came to the colonies around 1774
    - Thomas published a pamphlet, "Common Sense," which was written about a break from British rule
  • Evacuation Day

    Evacuation Day
    -Washington led his troops to Boston and the British troops evacuated and sailed to Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • The Second Continental Congress voted on resolution for independence

    The Second Continental Congress voted on resolution for independence
    -The Second Continental Congress voted on Lee's resolution for independence
    -12 colonies voted for independence, New York later announced its support
    -The delegates discussed Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence
  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
    -After making changes to Jefferson's draft, the delegates approved the document
    -John Hancock first signed the declaration
    -Eventually 56 delegates signed the declaration and made the United States
  • Celebrating Independence

    Celebrating Independence
    -The Declaration of Independence was read to George Washington's troops in New York