Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    -All colonies but Georgia have representatives.
    -Voted to send a "statement of grievances."
    -Voted to Boycott all British Trade.
    -Patrick Henry- VA rep. urged colonists to unite against Britian.
  • Washington Reaches Boston

    Washington Reaches Boston
    • Sometime in July (a couple of week after the Battle of Bunker Hill).
    • He saw how the militia was undisciplined and deisorganized.
    • There were many men in the milita.
    • He began to train the soldiers and civilians.
  • Great Britain Sends Troops

    Great Britain Sends Troops
    • There were thousands of British troops in the colonies at this time.
    • Thomas Gage was a British General.
    • Gage was ordered to seize the weapons from militia in Massachusetts and arrest the leaders of the militia.
    • He sent 700 troops to retrieve the militia's items.
  • The Alert of the British Troops Moving

    The Alert of the British Troops Moving
    • Dr. Joesph Warren saw the British troops marching out of the city.
    • He ran and told the Paul Revere and William Dawes.
    • Revere and Dawes went to go alert people that the British were coming.
    • Revere and Dawes were caught by the British troops.
  • The battle of Lexington and Concord

    The battle of Lexington and Concord
    • 70 minutemen were waiting for the British at Lexington.
    • Led by Captain John Parker.
    • A shot was fired from one of the sides (unknown).
    • They then shot at eachother.
    • When shooting was over 8 minutemen were dead.
    • More minutemen waited at the North Bridge for British and the British had a lot of deaths.
    • As the British progressed more colonists were waiting for them behind the trees.
    • When the British got to Boston they had 174 men wounded and 73 dead.
  • Second Continental Congress Meets

    Second Continental Congress Meets
    • John and Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Washington were all of the delegates of the first Continental Congress.
    • Many more people were part of the Second Continental Congress.
  • Fort Ticonderoga surrenders

    Fort Ticonderoga surrenders
    • Benedict Arnold, a captain of the Connecticut militia planned to attck Fort Ticondergoa.
    • He found out the Ethan Allen from Vermont planned to attack as well so they teamed up.
    • Benedict Arnold had 400 soliders lined up to go and attack Fort Ticonderoga.
    • They then attacked and took the British by surprise.
  • Militia Sets Up Camp on Bunker Hill

    Militia Sets Up Camp on Bunker Hill
    • Colonel William Prescot commanded militia.
    • Militia posts up on Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    • The British get together at Breed's Hill and then charge.
    • The Americans start to open fire, which froced the British to go back and retreat.
    • The British go back and fight with the Americans 2 more times before the Americans run out of gun powder and withdraw.
    • This was a British Victory.
  • Thomas Paine published "Common Sense"

    Thomas Paine published "Common Sense"
    • Thomas Paine wrote about how Americans were still finding their way to independence.
    • He arrived in England in 1774.
    • He called for a complete break of British rule.
  • The Patriot Militia Scares the British

    The Patriot Militia Scares the British
    • Washington believed that the milita was ready and trained enough.
    • While it was still dark the soldiers and Washington went and positioned cannons and guns around Boston.
    • The British found out that they were surrounded they were ordered to get on ships and leave Boston.
  • Second Continental Congress Votes for Independence

    Second Continental Congress Votes for Independence
    • The Congress voted to start becoming independent.
    • Twelve colonies voted for independence.
    • New York was the one that did not vote, but they later said they supported independence.
  • The Declaration of Indepence

    The Declaration of Indepence
    • John Hancock was the first person to sign the document.
    • 56 delegates signed the document in total.
    • This was announcing the birth of the United States and it's independence from Britian.
  • The Declaration was Read to Troops

    The Declaration was Read to Troops
    • George Washington had the declaration read to the troops in New York.
    • There were readings of the Declartion in Massachusetts as well and there was a big celebration following.