Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress Meets

    • All colonies but Georgia have representatives.
    • Voted to send a "statement of grievances."
    • Voted to Boycott all British Trade.
    • Patrick Henry- Va rep. urged colonists to unite against Britian.
  • The British are coming.

    • Dr. Joseph Warren walked through Boston checking for anything unusual.
    • Warren saw troops marching out of the city.
    • William Dawes and Paul Revere were alerted of the troops.
    • The members of Sons of Liberty wrote to Lexigton to spread the word.
    • Revere galloped across the countryside, shouting out the warning.
    • Samuel Adams heard the word and said he was ready to fight. -British patrol captured Dawes, Revere, and Samuel Prescott.
  • The British Have Arrived

  • Second Continental Congress

  • Fort Ticonderoga

    • Benedict Arnold, a captain in the Connecticut militias, raised a force of 400 to take Fort Ticonderoga. Ticonderoga was a key location, it was rich in supplies. Ethan Allen of Vermont also planned to attack the fort. Arnold joined forces with Allen. Together, they took the British by suprise, but they surrendered later.
    • Later on Arnold became a traitor to the Patroits by selling information to the British.
  • Bunker Hill Day One

    • After Lexington and Concord, volunteers joined the colonial militias and eventually the Boston numbered 20,000. British kept control of the city with the militias camped nearby.
    • A militias led by Colonel William Prescott set up posts on Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill across the Harbor from Boston.
  • Bunker Hill Day Two

    • The British set up at Breed's Hill. With their muskets drawn they charged towards Bunker Hill. The American's started to fire towards the British, causing the British to retreat. Then, the British went towards the Americans two more times. Towards the end the American ran out of gun powder and had to withdraw.
  • Arnold Betrayed

    Benedict Arnold became a traitor to the Patroit. He sold military information to the British. His crime was found and he fled to British-controlled New York City. In NY he commanded the British troops and led raids against the Americans in Viginia and Connecticut.