Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress Meets

    First Continental Congress Meets
    ~ All colonies except Georgia have representatives
    ~ Voted to send a "statement of grievances"
    ~ Voted to boycott all British Trade
    ~ Patrick Henry - VA rep. urged colonists to unite against Britain
  • British troops are sent to Concord to destroy artillery

    British troops are sent to Concord to destroy artillery
    General Thomas Gage ordered British troops to arrest militia leaders, and seize all of their weapons. Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith led 700 troops to Concord to seize and destroy all ammunition and artillery found.
  • Dr. Joseph Warren alerts Paul Revere and William Dawes that the British are coming.

    Dr. Joseph Warren alerts Paul Revere and William Dawes that the British are coming.
    On this night, Dr. Joseph Warren was walking through Boston to search for any suspicious activities by the British. He notices that troops were marching out of the city and alerts Paul Revere and William Dawes.
  • Battle of Lexington

    Battle of Lexington
    The night after Dr. Joseph Warren alerted Paul Revere of the British marching out of the city, they arrived in Lexington where only 70 minutemen were waiting.The minutemen were badly outnumbered and ready to allow the red coats through when someone fired. The British defeated the minutemen easily.
  • Battle of Concord

    Battle of Concord
    After the British defeated the minutemen in Lexington, they continued on to Concord to destroy the artillery kept there. When the British arrived, minutemen were waiting, but they were now more prepared and took the victory over the British.
  • Fort Ticonderoga Surrenders

    Fort Ticonderoga Surrenders
    Benedict Arnold raises a militia of 400 people to capture Fort Ticonderoga, teaming up with the Green Mountain Boys. Fort Ticonderoga surrendered on May 10, 1775.
  • Second Continental Congress Meet

    Second Continental Congress Meet
    This meeting contained some of the greatest leaders in the colonies. All of the delegates that appeared at the first meeting also came to the second, many new delegates also did. The delegates were not ready to vote for a break from Britain.
  • Militia sets up posts near Boston

    Militia sets up posts near Boston
    Posts are set up on Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill by the militia led by Colonel William Prescott. These posts are set up across the harbor from Boston.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Redcoats assemble at Breed's Hill with their guns drawn. The Americans did not have very much ammunition so they were ordered to only fire if it was a sure shot. After open firing on the British, the militia ran out of gunpowder and were forced to withdraw from the battle. Ending with a British victory.
  • Washington arrives in Boston

    Washington arrives in Boston
    George Washington reaches Boston a few weeks after the Battle of Bunker Hill. Washington realized that the men were undisciplined and disorganized. He tasked himself with turning armed civilians into soldiers. Washington gains weapons for his soldiers to use.
  • Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense

    Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense
    Thomas Paine arrives to the colonies from England in 1774. He soon caught onto the idea of being a patriot and leaving the control of England. He publishes Common Sense to call for a break from British Rule, stating many reasons why America would be better off free from Britain.
  • Washington believes his army is ready to fight

    Washington believes his army is ready to fight
    Washington moves cannons and soldiers into a position overlooking Boston while the Redcoats slept. General Howe commanded his soldiers to withdraw from Boston on ships.
  • Washington leads his troops into Boston

    Washington leads his troops into Boston
    Washington leads his troops into Boston as they watched the British troops withdraw from Boston and make their way toward Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • Richard Henry Lee's bold resolution

    Richard Henry Lee's bold resolution
    Virginia's Richard Henry Lee proposes that the colonies are deserving of breaking free of England's rule. This proposal caused a debate in the Second Continental Congress Meeting over whether this is the right thing to do.
  • Second Continental Congress votes on independence

    Second Continental Congress votes on independence
    On July 2, after Lee's proposal of freedom, this decision was voted on. Twelve of the colonies voted on freedom, leaving New York being the only to not vote.
  • The Declaration of Independence is approved

    The Declaration of Independence is approved
    Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence is reviewed. And after making some changes, it is approved. The first of 56 delegates to sign was John Hancock. The United States was born.
  • Benedict Arnold flees to New York City

    Benedict Arnold flees to New York City
    The leader of the militia who helped seize Fort Ticonderoga moves to the British controlled New York City after he was caught by the Patriots for selling their military information to the British.