Road to Independence

  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    All colonies but Georgia have representatives. They voted to send a "statement of grievances". Voted to Boycott all British Trade. Patrick Henry- VA rep, urged colonists to unite against Britain.
  • Great Britain Sends Troops

    Great Britain Sends Troops
    • The British send troops in and around Boston.
    • By April several thousands of British troops were around Boston with more coming.
    • The British had orders to seize the weapons from the militia and arrest the leaders.
    • The British sent 700 troops to seize and destroy their supply of artillery.
  • The British on the Move

    The British on the Move
    -Dr. Joseph Warren saw British troops leaving the city.
    - Warren alerted people and the Sons of Liberty.
    - The warning spread far.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    • The Redcoats approached Lexington
    • They ran into about 70 minute men
    • The British went to Concord
    • They ran into some minute men
  • Fort Ticonderoga surrenders

    Fort Ticonderoga surrenders
    • Benedict Arnold ( a captain of a militia) and Ethan Allen both wanted to seize Fort Ticonderoga.
    • They join forces and call themselves the Green Mountain Boys
    • They took the British by surprise and Fort Ticonderoga surrenders.
  • The Second Continental Congress Meets

    The Second Continental Congress Meets
    Some of the leaders that were there were John and Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Washington.( They all were in the First Continental Congress too) Several new people came too.
    - They chose John Hancock to be the president of the Second Continental Congress
    - Thomas Jefferson was also a delegate
  • The Militia of Bunker Hill

    The Militia of Bunker Hill
    • Colonel William Prescott commanded the militia to set up the posts
      • More people volunteered to be apart of the militia
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    • The redcoats came to attack
    • The militia opened fire when they could see the whites of the enemy's eyes
    • The Americans were low on ammunition
    • They forced the British to retreat 3 times
    • The Americans ran out of gunpowder
    • The British won but had a great loss by having over 1000 dead and injuries.
  • Washington and the Militia

    Washington and the Militia
    • Washington reached Boston
    • Washington saw that the men were disorganized and lacked discipline
    • Washington began turning armed civilians into soldiers
    • He also moved weapons from Fort Ticonderoga to help him
  • Taking back Boston

    Taking back Boston
    • George Washington moved the troops and cannons into position at dark
    • The British General William Howe commanded his troops to withdraw from Boston, and go to a part of Canada called Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Votes for Independence

    Votes for Independence
    • The second continental congress voted on lee's resolution for independence
    • Twelve colonies voted for independence
  • Signing the Declaration of Independence

    Signing the Declaration of Independence
    • The Delegates approved the declaration
    • John Hancock signed the Declaration first
    • Then the other 56 delegates followed by sighing the document announcing the birth of the United States
  • Reading the Declaration

    Reading the Declaration
    George Washington had the Declaration of Independence read to his troops in New York city.
  • Finding the Traitor

     Finding the Traitor
    • Benedict Arnold became a traitor to the Patriot cause.
    • He sold military information to the British.
    • His crime was discovered September 1780 and fled to the British controlled New York City
    • He commanded British troops and led raids against the Americans in Virginia and Connecticut