Road To Independence

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    To prevent war between the colonists the British closed land west the Appalachian Mountains. The british thought that the colonist should help pay maintaining the British Empire but the colonist thought differently got angry and refuse to follow the law.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Britian attempts to tax the colonist on sugar and molasses everywhere except britian but the colonist were not concerned much. The law was repeal in 1766
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Britain attempts to tax colonist on newspapers, playing cards, dice, calenders, and legal papers. the colonists began to protest saying the term "no taxation without representation" since no representatives were sent Parliament from the colonies. Also during the Stamp Act 9 colonies protested and the Sons of Liberty boycott British goods. It was repeal in 1766.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    British taxed on new items including tea, glass, paint, lead and tea. The colonist got very angry and started to roited and boycott against the act. The british responded by sending 1000 redcoats to control the colonist protest. It was repeal 1770.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The British military went to Boston which provoke brawls between soldiers and colonist which led the british troops fire there muskets after being attack by the roiting crowd.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The British gave the British East India Company control over the tea trade in America since they had money or financial trouble. Other businesses were badly hurt because of this act.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Commities of Correspondence a communication network in all of the colonies by Samuel Adams protested the Tea Act which led the Boston Tea Party in the time of December 16 of 1773 the Sons of Liberty dressed like Indians and boarded the British ships and threw about 342 chest full of tea in the Boston Harbor. The Tea Act was repeal in 1861.
  • Intolerable Acts

    To punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party they closed the Boston Harbor when all the tea was paid for. Until they pay the British soldiers was housed or quartered and the town meeting were banned that made the colonist mad and put the soldier on trail.
  • Lextington and Concord

    the colonist wanted to fight back so hey were storing weapons the British found out and were determined to capture weapons and the patiot leader incharge Samual Adams and John Hancock. To make sure that doesn't happen the patriots Paul Revere and William Dawes set out to warn the colonists that the British are coming. 70 minute and 700 british soldiers on the Lexington Green. Heading back the British were met by 4,000 minute men the American Revolution had begun.
  • Second Continental Congress

    This congress met in Philedeliphia to discuss the battle in Lexington and Concord the moderates decided their last request for peace was the Olive Branch Petition to the King George. The Radicals decided to prepare for war and declare independence.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The patriots demanded independence so Thomas Pane wrote Common Sense pamplet and Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence whwn King George rejected the Declaration of Independence.