Road to independance

  • First continental congress meets

    First continental congress meets
    • all colonists but Georgia has representitives
    • Voted to send a 'statement of grievances"
    • Voted to boycott all british trade
    • patrick henry- VA rep. Urged colonists to unite against britain
  • Thousands of redcoats in boston

    General Gage brings thousands of british soldiers to Boston with more on the way
  • Battles of lexington and concord

    -1st battle of american revolutionary war
    -shot heard around the world
    - British victory
    Battle of concord
    -Americans stop british and force them to retreat back to boston
    -American victory
  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    • Benedict Arnold & Ethan Allen capture the fort
    • Get all supplies in the fort including cannons
    • American victory
  • Battle of Bunker hill

    Battle of Bunker hill
    • Fought on Breed's hill map
    • "Don't fire until you see whites of their eyes"- William Prescott
    • British victory (Americans ran out of ammunition) British learn defeating Americans would NOT be easy.