road to indepence

  • first continental congress meets

    All colonies but Georgia have representatives voted to send a "statement of grievances" voted to boycott all british trade patrick henry va rep urged colonists to unite against britain
  • 1,000's of redcoats in boston

    General gage brings thousands of british soldiers to boston with more on the way
  • second continental congress meet

    print $$$$
    set up post office
    created continental army led by gorge washington
    sent olive branch asking king to protect their rights
  • battle of bunker hill

    fought on breed's hill
  • washington arrives on outskirts of boston with continental troops

    realizes men are disorganized & need discipline
    need weapons
  • british surrender boston

    washington believes his army is ready & weapons arrive
    washington puts cannons on dorchester heigts overlooking boston
  • second continental congress meet again

    debate on declaring independence
    thomas jefferson is the primary author of the document
  • second continental congress votes for independence

    all 13 colonies vote yes on declaring independence
  • the declaration of inedependence is signed