
Road to Freedom

By run99
  • French and Indian War 1754 to 1763

    French and Indian War 1754 to 1763
    Britain imposed taxes on the colonists to pay for the war. This is because Britain needed more money for the war. The colonists were angered because they wanted to have a say in were the money is going. This decided which nation would control the northern and eastern parts of North America.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This Treaty ended the long French and Indian War. Britain then gained all of North America east of the Mississippi because of the treaty. I beleived the colonists were just tired of the war and happy it was over with, but at the same time was this how the wanted it to end?
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This was in event when Britain didnt allow its American colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. This was so the British could save money because defending their land would be expensive. Colonists were not pleased with this, for it wasnt fair to tell them were the could and couldnt go. This lead to American Independence.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    This law placed a tax on sugar as well as molasses that were shiped to the colonies. The colonists were not to psyched about this because somr of the colonists that were merchants traded in smuggled goods, and the British delt with that by severe punishment. The King thought it was genius, for the money paid for what he didnt want to.
  • Stamp Act 1765

    Stamp Act 1765
    This act required all documents to carry an official stamp. This showed that the document has been paid for. The colonists didnt like this at all because they could only pay in silver coins and they didnt have all the money that they needed.
  • Writs of Assisstance

    Writs of Assisstance
    Costom officers could search ships at will. This was because the King wanted the powere to freely search. The colonists were angered for it was an invasion of their privacy.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    Taxes were placed on varios house hold iteams. This recieved more money for the king for things like the war. There were multiple boycotts because of importation agreements.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This was a cost saving measure for the kings soldiers. It bassically allowed British soldiers to stay at any colonists home. The colonists were very angered by this, for their privacy was invaied and they wanted a say in were they were going to say.
  • Boston Massacer

    Boston Massacer
    The king and his men were invaiding privacy, for they wanted to make sure colonists were obeying laws. There were riots of colonists because of the unfair break in's.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    The sons of Liberty dumped over 90,000 pounds of tea into the boston harbor. This lead to the intolerable acts. this gave the colonists a sense of power and rebellion, but this also led into more laws and taxes.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    This was when the king practically put the colonists on lock down. No meetings could be held against the king, the port of Boston was closed, and no one had any freedom what so ever. This was so nothing more was held against the king. At this point the colonists began to unify and find there own ways to freedom.
  • 1st continental congress

    1st continental congress
  • Battles of lexington and concord

    Battles of lexington and concord
    This was the first battle of the Revolution. Concord had now destroid all military supplies giving them a difficult time, and causing them to gain power.
  • Give me Liberty speach

    Give me Liberty speach
    This speach was written by Patrick Henry. The speach took place at the Virginia House of Burgesses. Thi rubbed it in the kings face that he dosent have much longer to fight back.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    This was another battle in the Revolution with an attempt to gain freedom. A famous quote was "Dont fire untile you see the whites of their eyes". This gave them a more acurate shot because it took so long to reload.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    They met in Philidelphia. They created the olive branch potition so they could have peace with Britain and get out of the intolerable acts. They also established the continental army in wich George Washington would lead.
  • Ft. Ticonderoga

    Ft. Ticonderoga
  • Decleration of Independence

    Decleration of Independence
    THE FOURTH OF JULY! This was one of the most significant days in history for America. We are now free! This document was written by Thomas Jefferson.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Tjis was a pamphlet written by Thomas Pain. This increased public suport for Americas Independence. This also got the Americans thinking about other counties to trade with.
  • Battle of New York

    Battle of New York
    This battle took place in the middle colonies. The battle was held because the British wanted to capture New York. This is because it was the center of the coloniel economy. Washington avoided capture in the end.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Washington held a surprise attack. He captured over 800 men without loosing one of his own.
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    Washington captured 300 British soliders. Princeton is in new Jersey. The british would latter stay in Phelidelphia.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This battle was the most significant to the revolution. British General Burgoyne had a plan to cut off New england from the rest of the colonies but we had another idea. The Battle took place in New york. Benjimine franklin negotiated with France to join the war. The British army surrendered!
  • Winter at Valley Forge 1777- 1778

    Winter at Valley Forge 1777- 1778
    Wahshington and his men spent the winters of 1777-78 here in Pennsylvania. Troops were in desperate need of food and warm clothing. French volunteer Marquis de Lafayette would help train them.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    British general Cornwallis moved his army to Virginia. Washington then set "the ultimate trap". He had a spy there. French troops were readt to fight, But Corwnwallis just went on to New York. French troops then traped him in the Bay. Washington lead a three week attack on them. Cornwallis surrendured. AMERICA WAS FREE!
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This showed that America was now free. We recieved all the land back. And best yet was The British respected that we are now free.